The alchemists of the tune coming back with their second Lp, “Entresemana”. A lot has been said about the San Sebastian pop this year and much to blame is on “Le Mans”, the debut album by our friends. Their intention is the same: to defeat us with some simple, sweet and innocent songs. Love affairs, lost hours, bus stops, coffee shops, ...the every day things converted into a delicious frenzy. Pop music as something naive, longed for an…

The alchemists of the tune coming back with their second Lp, “Entresemana”. A lot has been said about the San Sebastian pop this year and much to blame is on “Le Mans”, the debut album by our friends. Their intention is the same: to defeat us with some simple, sweet and innocent songs. Love affairs, lost hours, bus stops, coffee shops, ...the every day things converted into a delicious frenzy. Pop music as something naive, longed for and very seductive. What in “Le Mans” was optimism, in “Entresemana” becomes a tale of disillusions. It seems that more than playing them, they caress their instruments. A ghost violin, a warm cello and the whisper instead of voice give to “Canción De Si Tú Me Quieres” that charm that drives us crazy. They know how to make you feel special, how to make loneliness look like something attractive in “Perezosa Y Tonta”, how to rock you to and fro in their trip of desenchantment. The delicious voice of Jone dives even more in the depths of the not-love (“Con Peru En La Playa”). Days pass one after another being hardly bearable just for a breath of optimism.
This second record surpasses, if possible, the levels of minimalist beauty they got with their first work. Violin takes place in their songs to increase the most lyrical side of their feelings and they eat us up with their mist of abandon and childish charm, with their knowledge of the different states of mind and with which is their better magic trick: that the routine of twined days gives way to an inviting light that tells us there’s something that might be changed.
What pop has always been, an attempt to look at reality in a different way, an effort to insuflate some life where there hardly is. A record, “Entresemana”, that you can fall for without embarrassment.
Put together your old tea pot, that broken umbrella, the old fashioned coat, the last candies you’ve got and in the company of that boy/girl that makes you go crazy, dive, if possible at midafternoon, in this rainbow that crosses LE MANS’ music.