Welcome to a new Elefant compilation, full of the best music to cope with the summer heat. A refreshing cocktail made with juice extract from our most veteran acts (BEEF, AUTOMATICS, PATRULLERO MANCUSO...) with some additional fresh new flavours, just taken out from the fridge (LA PEQUEÑA SUIZA, VACACIONES, ME ENVENENO DE AZULES, LA MONJA ENANA, NIZA...). “Verano Del 99” is also a useful way to learn more about the current state of Elefant Records, always searching for the newest pop sensations to serve them to you in a silver tray. Here’s our summer menu, based on top-quality, healthy ingredients. Bon appetit.!
1. LA PEQUEÑA SUIZA “Viviendo En Los 90”.
Young quintet from Madrid which so far had only released a single with four instrumental songs (“La Pequeña Suiza Canta En Español”). This is their first recording with vocals, and it was specially composed for this compilation. Nacho and Laura discuss over present and past over a delicate musical breeze.
Jesús and Jose are two brothers from Yecla (Murcia). Despite having released only a single, named after this song, they’ve got a lot of experience from previous bands. They write wonderful pop songs in Spanish, full of magic and sensibility, very evocative and subtle. One of our most solid bets for the future.
3. LES TRÈS BIEN ENSEMBLE “La Fille La Plus Douce Du Monde”
Catalonian band led by chanteuse Susanna, who also plays guitar and writes the lyrics. Line-up also includes members from LOS FRESONES REBELDES, LOS SOBERANOS or THE MEOWS. They love French pop, from the sixties to the nineties, and they pay homage to it through cover versions (Gainsbourg, Françoise Hardy) and original songs, like the one included in this record. Their stuff features a charming, irresistible retro flavour.
4. LE MANS “¡Ay qué triste estoy!”
One of the best known bands from the label. Unfortunately they split up right after the release of the album this song is taken from. It meant the last step forward in a faultless career, where good taste, imagination and sheer talent were key elements. Their discography, formed by four albums -some of them also released in Japan, USA and Mexico- and several singles, can now be seen as a coherent whole, which will be set as an example to following generations of pop bands.
5. NIZA “Niza”
A charming young couple from Madrid -Roberto and Silvia-, specialized in composing delicate pop tunes with a slight marine breeze scent. In this gentle rambling by the streets of the beautiful French town that gives them their artistic name, NIZA show themselves in a very shy and charming way. Naïve pop with no additives of fake flavours. Something very special and cute.
6. LA MONJA ENANA “Cartas De Amor”
One of the funniest, bubbling current Spanish acts, which can provoke anything but indifference thanks to their fizzy eighties-like techno-pop and their extravagant, sci-fi lyrics. Their charm and their good humour will make them one of the most popular bands all over the galaxy. This song is taken from their debut cd-single.
7. GASCA “Mal Ladrón”
From a small village in the outskirts of Barcelona, Carlos Andreu signs this delicious song full of introspection and whispers. GASCA keeps himself at a distance from the rest of the Elefant catalogue thanks to his pale coloured techno pop, sad and obscure. The perfect soundtrack to listen to at night, sitting alone by the sea.
8. ANTI “Ride The Tiger”
Mirror balls, platform shoes and glamour brought by this mysterious character capable of composing a nine-minute electronic storm, or a disco-pop hit, like the one included in this compilation. A perfect way to make your way through the danceflloor of any cheesy discotheque by the coast.
A truly hymn to optimism, presented in a very malicious, venomous way, by some of the most veteran acts of Spanish indie scene. This song is just one of the multiple surprises you can find in their new album, “Bodegón Musical”, crammed with eccentric guitars, hyper original lyrics and tons of genuine madness.
10. VACACIONES “Imperfecta”
“Imperfecta” is a new small declaration of independece from Ruth and her pals from VACACIONES. With TALULAH GOSH and THE PRIMITIVES in their minds and hearts, and with lots of charm and naïveness as their basic equipment, VACACIONES makes us fall in love with them again with this song, which is one of their stage favourites.
11. JUNIPER MOON “Madrid”
More juvenile candour, but this time reinforced by dynamic guitars and fast punk rhythms, courtesy of this new outfit from Ponferrada, which has managed to get quite popular before releasing anything thanks to their wild live sets. This is their first recording to be released in a record, and it´s exclusive for this compilation.
12. BEEF “Cosmopolitan”
Another Elefant veteran band, and one of the most innovative and experimental ones. This is an advance of their forthcoming album, “Misery And Lies”, which was recorded on the summer of 99 (guess now what the title of this comp means?) by the godlike hands and ears of Wharton Tiers, easy to be found in the credits of some of the most important US rock albums of the last 15 years -SONIC YOUTH, DINOSAUR JR, PUSSY GALORE...- giving the band the sound quality they were looking for. Really impressive.
13. CECILIA ANN “Solemio” (demo)
This quintet from Granada is currently busy writing songs for the follow-up of “Un Segundo”, their excellent 1998 debut album. Arturo, Estrella and the rest are still improving their finely tuned pop machine, so their following work can be something really astonishing. This song will surely appear there, but we let you listen to it right now in a demo take.
14. AUTOMATICS “She Used To Make Me Smile”
Survivors of the noise-pop scene that flourished in the early nineties, AUTOMATICS have proved to be tougher than the rest, developping their sound and writing better and better songs to reach the perfection of their new album, “Duty”, which includes some of the best songs in their whole career. “She Used To Make Me Smile” shows them at their smoothest, placing a superb melody over their usual wall of distorted guitars.
15. JACKSON “Real Cool Boy”
His official biography claims he’s got blood ties with the famous Jackson family, that is, with Wacko Jacko, Janet and the rest. As he’s far more modest, he’s only released a single so far, in which this song is not included, as it’s exclusive for “Verano Del 99”. We’re really honoured!!!
16. SPRING “Today”
Unreleased track taken from the recording sessions of their last album so far, “The Last Goodbye”. A delicate whisper that works as a massage for the senses thanks to the vocal caress of wonderful Alex, the coolest girl in the world, according to the Japanese, American and European fans of this charming French combo.
17. HD SUBSTANCE “Happy Zombie” (89 demo)
He represents our electronic sublabel Stereophonic Elefant Dance Recordings. With an eye on the early eighties and the other one on the most tantalizing future, “Happy Zombie” is another evidence of the skills of Luis Rozalén, which has remained hidden in his personal sound archive for almost ten years. We have rescued it for you to enjoy and dance to it.
18. Surprise, surprise...