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"Loveless unbeliever" review

The School [Shindig!]foto: Archivo Elefant



"Loveless unbeliever" review

The School - Loveless Unbeliever [Elefant / Al!ve]Sie ist weiterhin quicklebendig, die kleine, weltweit agierende Szene, die sich mit Gefühl und Styling dem Twee Pop der 1980er hingibt. Und es ist lang nicht so, das alle die Bands, die von dieser Szene als Koryphäen gefeiert werden, einzig und all…



"Loveless unbeliever" review

The School [Rockdelux]foto: Archivo Elefant



"Loveless unbeliever" review

The School [Uncut]foto: Archivo Elefant



"Loveless unbeliever" review

The School "Loveless Unbeliever" (Elefant, 2010)

Spector's Ghosts and Primitives

I always had a thing for any number of those female singer indie pop bands of the eighties and nineties who were touted as the next big thing. All of them had the pre-requisite Motown girl group thing down to …



"Loveless unbeliever" review

The School [Treff region]foto: Archivo Elefant



"Loveless unbeliever" review

THE SCHOOL - LOVELESS UNBELIEVERMark Raison reviews the 60s-style pop of Loveless Unbeliever.Summer's here and the time is right for sitting in the park, supping a cool long drink, tartan picnic rug on the ground, watching young lovers walk hand in hand as mummy duck leads her chicks along the river…











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