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"Loveless unbeliever" review

THE SCHOOL - Loveless UnbelieverOn their debut album, Loveless Unbeliever, the School prove that they have fully absorbed the lessons of the classic girl groups and Brill Building songwriters, and deliver an album full of instantly memorable songs that plays like a greatest-hits collection. The grou…



"Loveless unbeliever" review

I also have a new favorite this week -- I had not even heard of them until a couple of days ago. They are called The School. Loveless Unbeliever is their debut album on Elefant Records. They are a new twee pop band from Wales who occupy the same musical space as Belle & Sebastian and Camera Obscura.…



"Loveless unbeliever" review

The School - Loveless unbelieverDesde que escuchamos por primera vez a “The School” en su EP “Let it slip” publicado por Elefant en el 2008 hemos estado esperando con ansia la salida de su primer larga duración, “Loveless unbeliever”. Y la espera ha merecido la pena.De los trece temas q…



Song of the week: "Is he really coming home?"

Our featured indie song for the week — well actually, it’s been on the sidebar since last week, I just forgot to mention it (oops!) — is a sweet, delightful tune titled “Is He Really Coming Home?” by indie pop band The School. The track is in their debut release Loveless Unbeliever.Is he r…



Prince Albert [Brighton] concert article

"Corriendo bajo la lluvia torrencial, y con retraso de 10 minutos logramos llegar al Prince albert, unos de los pubs más famosos de Brighton donde semanalmente, se dan cita los grupos promesas de la escena inglesa. Esta semana era el turno de “The School”, el grupo revelación de Wales, que inm…



Rese?a "Loveless unbeliever"

The School / Loveless UnbelieverUno de los debuts más esperados del año no decepciona.Por SebasQuienes opinen que el “revival” de los “girl-groups” de los 60 es el mejor que podía experimentar la música actual han encontrado en The School la nueva banda a la que venerar. Estrictamente no…



"Is he really coming home?" video-clip review

Video Jam of the Day: The School – Is He Really Coming Home?March 25th, Tim SendraOne of my favorite pop bands of the last couple years is the School. Hailing from Wales, the group does a wonderful job of mashing together the best pop music from the last 40 years and comes up with something very f…











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