Elefant, new adventures in 2010!

Hello Everyone!
Another year has passed, a special year for us as we celebrated the 20th anniversary of the label, and we did it the best way we know how: releasing a ton of good music. We put out 22 new releases in total - 13 albums and 9 singles. It was an intense year in every way it could be and a year in which a little bit of everything that can happen, happened. And despite all of the problems that the music world is going through we managed to survive another year and we are full of hope and excitement about 2010.
We are aware of the requests and the things that fans of the label are most worried about and we are working hard on all of it in order to try to have everything organized and updated in the first few months of the new year, so that it is easier to be up to date with everything that's happening with our groups and our label. We've been working on the new Elefant website for the last few weeks, a new website that will maintain a similar design to the old website, but that will be much easier to use, much more intuitive, faster, and clearer. Yes, we are getting rid of Real Audio and you'll be able to listen to the songs without having a player installed, and you'll be able to change quickly and simply from the site in Spanish to the site in English from any page. We're also going to have our new Elefant On-line store with great improvements. We're closing deals to be able to have the entire catalog available on Spotify and in the first months of the year we'll also be updating Elefant's channel on Last-FM. Our video channel on YouTube has been up and running at full speed for several months; we now have 162 videos up and in 2010 we'll be putting up a lot more videos of live performances, interviews, reports... If you still haven't seen our channel, you've got homework this Christmas break - if you're a fan of the label you'll really enjoy watching the videos.
You can also check us out on our MySpace page, where we regularly put up new songs from the label's new releases.
We've also finally launched Elefant's Facebook, Twitter and Tuenti and we're constantly informing all of the label's fans about the most important things each week, recommending groups, songs, videos, concerts... all of the things that we at Elefant like. So if you have a profile on any of those social networks, become our fan on Facebook, our follower on Twitter or our friend on Tuenti, and you'll be a bigger Ele-Fan than anyone.
We've also started a Blog about the label - well, two really, one in Spanish and one in English - another way to be up to date about all the things that are happening on Planet Elefant.
But aside from all of these technological advances, and we are already aware of how important they are, what we're really excited about for 2010 are the new releases; half of the Elefant team is in the studio and we're going to have a lot of new releases. We'll have albums from THE SCHOOL, LA CASA AZUL, SINGLE, BLA, TREMBLING BLUE STARS, HELEN LOVE, SUCRETTE, NICK GARRIE, THE CARROTS, STEREO TOTAL, COOPER, LA BIEN QUERIDA... singles from PAPA TOPO, LINDA GUILALA, GUATAFAN, FITNESS FOREVER... A new label compilation, our first compilation DVD of video-clips and a ton of other surprises that we can't tell you about yet!! As you can see it's going to be an incredible year, full of new releases and big surprises.
It's important to point out that in 2010 we're going to be betting on vinyl, especially for the singles, and that the majority of our releases in physical format will be limited and one of a kind editions, so when they run out they won't be re-printed and they'll be out of print and only available in digital format.
We also want to remind you that on iTunes and other digital stores you can find the label's entire catalog, from our first singles to the latest releases.
See you in 2010!, Happy New Year to everyone!!
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