Niza will fly to Taiwan

As we informed last year, Taiwanese label Avant Garden Records has been releasing for some time now assorted records from the Elefant Records recent catalogue: Ana D, ENTRE RÍOS, NOSOTRÄSH, NIZA, CAMERA OBSCURA...
The label from Taiwan releases now a complete compilation of NIZA’s recordings under the title “Archivando mis recuerdos [1998-2004]” (“Filing my memories”), a compilation as wide as the complete career of the duo, featuring stops in all the band’s different periods: here we find their two singles, plus a series of rarities and hard-to-find recordings: new and different versions of songs appeared on the band’s only album; live recordings (acoustic radio sessions, or onstage featuring Guille Milkyway from LA CASA AZUL on the piano, as in their cover of the classic standard “Fly me to the moon”); rarities that only appeared in compilations before (such as “Radio Star”, the song they dedicated to Radio 3’s DJ Juan de Pablos, previously released on the compilation of his show “Flor de Pasión”; and also “Jamás te he olvidado”, a song we had previously released on Elefant’s “Modapop” compilation); cover versions of favourite songs by FAMILY (“Dame estrellas o limones”), spanish chanteuse and 60’s pop idol Jeanette (“El muchacho de los ojos tristes”) and even THE VELVET UNDERGROUND. A total of eighteen songs which are the perfect companion to go along with the band’s only album, which seemed too short a legacy to many of us.
This Taiwanese compilation is already available through Elefant Records’ mail order service, so fans of the band from elsewhere can complete their collections. Besides of all this, a similar compilation (same cover but different title and, above all, different tracklist) will be soon released in Japan via Rambling Records.
As you might already know, NIZA got back together this last summer for some shows in Japan, playing in Tokyo as a part of the activities of the ExpoAichi, and due to the huge success of these shows they intend to go back again to Asian territories next year, for more shows in Japan and Taiwan, and also in South Korea, where Ales Music record label will soon release their album, “Canciones de temporada”.
01. A contraluz [instrumental]
02. Radio star
03. Por las tarde
04. Por la noche
05. Ensayo nº 3
06. Dame estrellas o limones
07. Universo [acoustic version]
08. Jamas te he olvidado
09. El muchacho de los ojos tristes
10. El viaje
11. Tengo hambre de bombones
12. Niza
13. No me digas que me quieres
14. Estival
15. Fly me to the moon [live]
16. Isolée [acoustic radio session]
17. Septiembre [acoustic radio session]
18. Femme fatale [home demo]

Niza [Obi, Portada]
picture: Archivo Elefant