The School release their first single "All I wanna do"

Tracklist: 01. All I wanna do 02. Valentine
It may be possible that you may have never heard of them, but this is totally understandable- they have only played four different concerts since signing to Elefant at the beginning of the summer of 2007. Since then, their live shows have increased in number and the group toured throughout the United Kingdom in October and November with THE LOVES. Skipping about on stages throughout Great Britain, from Scotland to the south of England and of course, London, this group has played on numerous occasions to their fans who come out in the plenty. Before the extensive tour, in September, they entered the studios with producer Ian Catt (SAINT ETIENNE, TREMBLING BLUE STARS, SHAMPOO, THE BOO RADLEYS, Kahimi Karie, THE FIELD MICE) to record two songs which will be a part of their debut single, “All I Wanna Do,” among other songs. This special edition pink vinyl single will be the waiting room for the second single and their posterior LP debut, which will be out at the end of 2008.
The fact is that this group of seven, led by the peppy Liz offers a well-rounded presentation (Amen to the delicious “Kiss You in the Snow” which came out on our holiday single!), where their handwriting marks are above and beyond excellent. More importantly, the pop tunes are filled with emotion. “All I Wanna Do” reminds us of CAMERA OBSCURA and embraces passion with the legacy of Phil Spector, with a chorus filled with moving romanticism and a song that grows with the intensity as each compass is played, embellishing the melancholy until it stops and it leaves you shivering. “Valentine” has something else in store for the listener, as it is on the other side of the single, with a tight chorus (a must to dance to!), an agile rhythm and Diana Ross thinking that THE SUPREMES never ended. An amazing B side! Pitchfork, Plan B and Under the Radar have all spoken highly of them, comparing them to classic bands such as THE BEATLES, ELO and THE BEACH BOYS and more modern groups like SATURDAY LOOKS GOOD TO ME, BELLE & SEBASTIAN and LUCKY SOUL, among others.
Limited edition [Pink vinyl]
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