Elefant Party "Happy new year 2008"

Next Saturday the 16th of February, we will celebrate the new year in the venue El Sol in Madrid, as 2008 will be filled with succulent treats with new artists and various releases. This first Elefant party of the year will feature two exceptional groups and a surprise guest DJ and we will dance our socks off as this surely will be a magical night. If all of this is not enough to entice you to come, everyone at the concert will receive their own copy of "Happy New Year 2008", a CD-Single with exclusive songs by HELEN LOVE, CORAZÓN, MY LITTLE AIRPORT and THE SCHOOL.
This party is the perfect way to welcome COLA JET SET to the label- one of the most admired and loved national groups of Spanish pop, known internationally as well by pop lovers from all over the globe. The quintet from Barcelona has already prepared their songs for the imminent album to be released and in no time, they will be in the studio recording. We are all very impatient to hear the new tunes but it will all be possible on February 16th- in Felipe's own words, "half old stuff, half new stuff." THE SCHOOL, from Wales, will open up the evening with their love for indie pop and the most brilliant sounds of the 60's. THE SCHOOL is much like a British version of sunshine pop - contagious and hyper-melodic- filled with lights and shadows to make you cry dancing. Sophisticated and happy songs with a melancholic twist with inspirations from THE BEACH BOYS, THE BEATLES, Phil Spector and other girl groups from the 60's. We must not forget other groups of today which add flavor to their sound as well, including BELLE & SEBASTIAN, SATURDAY LOOKS GOOD TO ME, CAMERA OBSCURA, Jim Noir, LUCKY SOUL, THE BRUNETTES or LITTLE MY.
It's possible that you have never even heard of them, but it's believable considering that Elefant signed them just shortly after performing four concerts at the beginning of the summer of 2007. From them on, their live performances just kept growing and growing in numbers. In October and November, the group toured throughout the United Kingdom, from Scotland to the south of England, passing through London of course, where they have played various times and have a strong fan base. Before taking off on this extensive tour, in September, they entered the studio and worked with the producer Ian Catt (SAINT ETIENNE, TREMBLING BLUE STARS, NOSOTRÄSH) to record songs for their single debut "All I Wanna Do", set to come out in March. To top it all off, the surprise DJ will absolutely delight you and make it a party you definitely won't forget about. Don't miss out on all the fun!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Fiesta Elefant
The School + Cola Jet Set
+ Free "Happy new year 2008" CD with ticket purchase
Time: 11 p.m. Price: 15 € presale [available through Tick Tack Ticket, FNAC, Tipo]
/ 17 € ticket office
Venue: El Sol
Jardines 3

picture: Elefant Party "Happy new year 2008"
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