Single travels to Paris

We have been waiting for the tour of the presentation of “Pío Pío” (similar to the wait to see Teresa and Ibon in concert. 12 years past and we were not sure if we were going to see them on a stage again!), but the wait has proved to be fruitful. Up until now, all of the concerts have been a success and have been well worth the wait. The official live presentation in the venue El Sol in Madrid was packed and the concert was marvelous as Teresa shined like never before, with Ibon on guitar, Tito’s voice and Joan’s keyboarding. Classics from their repertoire, new versions of popular songs, B sides and above all, balls of laughter on and off the stage. After confirming their next concert in the Festival Internacional de Benicàssim, SINGLE just announced their first concert outside of the Spanish borders: next Sunday May 18th in the venue Nouveau Casino of Paris, the French audience is in for a real treat, which many fans have waited anxiously for this moment for years. These fans have not only followed loyally from the beginning of SINGLE, yet since the days of LE MANS. One sees this even more since the prestigious magazine, Magic, dedicated an entire cover (and a ten page article!) to the release of the album there. We expect them to visit other countries with strong solid fan support soon. Meanwhile, these are the confirmed upcoming live shows of SINGLE:
Saturday, May 10
+ Anti
time: 20:00 price: 12 adv/ 15 doors [Tick Tack Ticket, FNAC, Tipo]
Apolo 2
Nou de la rambla 113
Thursday, May 15
Single + Anti
San Sebastián
time: 21:00 price: 6€ [Venta de entradas en y en las taquillas de Donostia Kultura]
Gasteszena [Centro Cultural Egia]
Baztan Kalea 12
Sunday, May 18
Valérie Leulliot (ex-Autour De Lucie) + Bertrand Burgalat Dj
Paris [Francia]
time: 19:30 price: 10€ Adv/ 12€ Doors
Nouveau Casino
Rue Oberkampf

SINGLE: travels to Paris [May 18th]
picture: Single tocan en Paris

SINGLE: success in Paris
picture: Single triunfan en Par?s!

SINGLE: success in Paris
picture: Single triunfan en Par?s!
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