NENAS "Nuevos Heteros" Single Digital

What an EP Celia Spellman is getting ready for us, for her NENAS debut on Elefant. If “Fuckboys” and “xfa” already made clear her ability to build both a musical and lyrical language without ever losing sight of the dance floor, here we get another piece in advance of the upcoming EP with “Nuevos Heteros”, an immeasurable electronic pop and europop hit. But what really stands out on “Nuevos Heteros” is its hilarious lyrics, full of cynicism and impertinence, full of unforgettable lines. The chorus itself pleads: “Los nuevos heteros / Ya no van de duros / Sólo quieren ser modernos” (The new heteros / Don’t try to be tough anymore / They just want to be hipsters) and then sprinkles in gems like “Todos quieren ser las reinas / De la nueva virilidad / Eyeliner y purpurina / Todo mal, todo mal” (They all want to be queens / Of the new virility / Eyeliner and glitter / So bad, so bad) or “OMG vas amazing / Te veo luego en el gym, bitch / Mi cabeza sólo quiere estallar / Por tu falsa ambigüedad” (OMG you look ah-mazing / See you later at the gym, bitch / My head wants to explode / From your false ambiguity). Absolutely fabulous. An explosion that lasts two quick minutes that we need to play on repeat again and again. And the next thing to come is the complete EP; get ready because “Diario Secreto” is coming.
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