New La Casa Azul video "La Revoluci?n Sexual"
Everything about the new LA CASA AZUL album is exciting and shocking. A long awaited CD full of emotional and stimulating songs which submerge us even more into a futuristic world of fiction in which the reality of the five protagonists of LA CASA AZUL is discovered, five programmed humanoids and directed by Guille Milkyway, the true brain of LA CASA AZUL and the most prominent futuristic musician-scientist of our time.
The new LA CASA AZUL video shows the new technological twist of the second phase the group is wrapped up in. Domingo González, director of the three previous LA CASA AZUL videos, has left us absolutely astonished; More inspired than ever, he intelligently achieved mixing two opposing worlds into the video -futuristic coldness and technology- skillfully displaying the new phase of LA CASA AZUL, the synthetic aspect of the group and the human and sentimental side which Guille releases with himself and his music. An explosive mix of the musical influences which saunters about LA CASA AZUL, in a virtual reality format; a refreshing world to dance in, have fun, enjoy oneself, feel the love, loneliness...and of course insisting on our greatly admired Japanese country (with a tribute included to the dance “para para”). The perfect video for truly digging deep into the true sexual revolution.
New LA CASA AZUL video "La Revoluci?n Sexual"
picture: Nuevo v?deo de La Casa Azul: La revoluci?n sexual
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