Yo, tambi?n [Me too]: will compete in the "World Cinema Narrative" category at Sundance Film Festival [USA]

YO, TAMBIÉN [ME TOO]: will compete in the “World Cinema Narrative" category at Sundance Film Festival [USA]
“Yo También (Me Too)” has been selected to participate in the United States at the prestigious Sundance International Film Festival, founded by Robert Redford in 1981. The festival will take place January 21st – 31st, 2010, in Park City, near Salt Lake City, the capital of Utah. According to the announcement, “Yo También (Me Too)”, written and directed by Álvaro Pastor and Antonio Naharro, has been chosen out of over thousands of movies from all over the world and will compete in the “World Cinema Narrative” category with thirteen other films from New Zealand, Iraq, Argentina, Columbia, Estonia, South Korea and Australia, among others. “Yo, Tambien” will begin its American trajectory on the grand scale. The Festival chooses 12 to 16 movies to compete in each of its four category: “US Documentary”, “US Dramatic”, “World Cinema Documentary” and “World Cinema Narrative". The Festival’s programmers chose, from among more than 9,800 movies and documentaries sent for the 2010 edition, “works that take risks and that tell a story in its entirety”. As a result, a total of 113 full-length features from 31 different countries and among them, “Yo Tambien (Me Too)”, a movie and a soundtrack that are already a part of Elefant Records’ history; it was a project in which we were totally involved in regards to the music, and of which we feel very proud.
“Yo También”, the theme song of the movie, by LA CASA AZUL, is turning into a huge hit in Spain. Just a month and a half after the movie’s release and the video-clip is close to 100,000 visits on our Youtube channel!!!
Click here: VIDEO "Yo, También [Me too] LA CASA AZUL
Also, the international reaction to the movie has been “very fruitful”, as it has already been sold for distribution in countries like Korea, France, Poland, Holland, Columbia, Ecuador, Mexico and all of Central America, and Belgium, so very soon you’ll be able to get excited about, laugh, cry and enjoy the movie half the world over, and of course, to listen to the delicious soundtrack composed by Guille Milkyway and the songs of CAMERA OBSCURA, GIORGIO TUMA, THE SCHOOL, LA CASA AZUL, BMX BANDITS and FITNESS FOREVER among others.

picture: Festival Sundance [usa]