Camera Obscura, Spanish tour in November y December

Since we released "Let's get out of this country", third album by CAMERA OBSCURA, the Scottish band hasn't stopped touring the world performing their songs live onstage: shows all over Britain, the States from coast to coast, Canada, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands... So many concerts have made the band's live act a solid one, which gives the perfect backing to the beauty of the songs on their repertoire. The next two months will see the band touring Spain, and the Spanish fans will be able to check this out for themselves. These are the dates:
Thursday November 16th - MADRID (El Sol)
Friday November 17th - MADRID (El Sol)
Saturday November 18th - ALBACETE (Divino)
Sunday November 19th - VALENCIA (Loco Club)
Tuesday November 21st - LOS CONCIERTOS DE RADIO 3 (Radio session)
Thursday November 23rd - GRANADA (Planta Baja)
Friday November 24th - MALAGA (Teatro Cervantes / Sala Gades)
Saturday November 25th - SANTA POLA (ALICANTE) (Camelot)
Sunday November 26th - LERIDA (Cafè-Teatre Escorxador)
Friday December 15th - MALLORCA (Teatre de Lloseta)
Saturday December 16th - BARCELONA (Laboratori Musical de Les Basses)
The Barcelona show is part of the eighth edition of a festival called "Los Reyes son Rockeros" ("The three Kings are Rockers"), a festival where the crowd doesn't pay a ticket to get in; their contribution is a new toy, with the aim to develop a campaign destined to collect toys for the poorest families' children in the area, so that they can also have their Christmas presents. The concert attendants receive, in exchange, an excellent live music line-up. Not a bad deal!

Camera Obscura [Spanish tour 2006 poster]
picture: Archivo Elefant