The duo formed by Kat and Andi, who meet in New York and decide to make fragile, vaporous, lysergic, melancholic music, with echoes of MAZZY STAR, COCTEAU TWINS, THE XX, GALAXIE 500, Francis Laiand CIGARETTES AFTER SEX. In Spain, we are going to have the privilege to be the first to see them live. BUBBLE TEA AND CIGARETTES have been some of the biggest news in recent years for Elefant Records, because they are practitioners of that sound we like so much and that so few people inhabit, but those who do tend to offer us marvelous musical experiences. At the end of March, they are going to be playing in Madrid, Zaragoza and Barcelona, touring with the songs from the four singles they have released so far – songs as marvelous as “5AM Empanada With You” and “Santa Monica”, and even some new songs that will be included on their first full-length album with Elefant. Songs recorded in their apartment in New York and mixed by Anthony "Rocky" Gallo (Norah Jones, Cat Power, THE XX, CIGARETTES AFTER SEX, THE KILLERS, THE CLIENTELE…) and mastered by Greg Calbi (Stevie Wonder, John Lennon, David Bowie, TAME IMPALA, ARCADE FIRE, St. Vincent, PERFUME GENIUS, BLONDIE, Aretha Franklin and a very long etc).
On Thursday, March 24th, they will perform in Madrid, and Friday the 25th in Zaragoza. In both concerts they will be accompanied by TRONCO, who are still showing off their “Nainonai” live and still building the name their unique, special offer deserves. On Saturday, March 26th, BUBBLE TEA AND CIGARETTES will be part of the 27th Minifestival De Música Independent in Barcelona, where two other big new Elefant realities will also be present - INTERROGACIÓN AMOR and AMOR BUTANO – along with other national and international artists like Cassie Ramone (VIVIAN GIRLS), Darren Hayman, Lea Leone, Thalia Zedek and Chris Brokaw... This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to see one of those bands that we don’t know when we’ll be able to see again on stage, but we know they will leave everyone who sees them with an unforgettable memory.
Thursday, 24 March 2022
Fiesta Elefant: Tronco + Bubble Tea and Cigarettes + DJ Luis Elefant
Sala Siroco
Friday, 25 March 2022
Fiesta Elefant: Tronco + Bubble Tea and Cigarettes
Sala La Lata de Bombillas
Saturday, 26 March 2022
Minifestival de música independent de Barcelona
Bubble Tea and Cigarettes + interrogación amor + Amor Butano+ Cassie Ramone + Thalia Zedek and Chris Brokaw + ... Espai Jove Les Basses