THE YEARNING: Release "If I Can't Have You" as an advance single for their first album

THE YEARNING’s debut full-length will be here really soon, and to whet our appetites, Joe Moore and his gang are giving us a song as an advance digital single - “If I Can’t Have You”. The song is a summary of many of the constants that have caught our attention up to now: delicious melodies with fifties tendencies, prodigious productions along the lines of the masters like Phil Spector,Jack Nietzsche andBurt Bacharach, and lyrics obsessed with the two sides of sentimental relationships. And they do it again, with that opening drum line that’s so characteristic, and those castanets adorned with heavenly choruses, evoking some of the best girl groups in history, like THE RONETTES and THE VELVELETTES. An absolute delicacy.
As a gift with this release, a version of THE NOLANS’ “Gotta Pull Myself Together”, exclusive for this digital single, in which Maddie Dobie’s voice once again dazzles us in that highly addictive chorus, while the guitar arrangement takes us to the limit. It’s a teaser that heightens, if it is even possible, our impatience to get our hands on this first album that has us so excited, and that we’ve been dreaming about so much.
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