rebe "la mas wapa del bar" Digital Single

Whenever there is anything new from rebe it is a very exciting moment. Unpredictable, disturbing, unique... What she has to offer is so special that sometimes it is hard to think about how we will react to her new songs and videos, or anything else about her. From her Mini-LP “solo pasiones…” which is about to come out, we are bringing you the second advance that perfectly embodies what we were talking about before. Including the collaboration of pup puppy (@amor.amor.amor.a.m.o.r), “la mas wapa del bar” is a cumbia that is also a hymn for perversity, and at the same time is a strange mix of sweetness and sensuality. It is capable of combining and turning the bizarre into elegance, the outdated into sophistication, the uncouth into excitement. And it is all done with an exquisite taste in pop melodies and evanescent ambiances. It is like what you could get if you put José Luis Perales, Grimes and Peaches together; it is hard to describe, so it’s best to just listen to it for yourself. But we are warning you - you will not be indifferent.
But with rebe, it’s the whole package. The esthetic, the cover art, the videos, they all form part of a way of looking at life, music and art. Specifically, the audiovisual that she has prepared for this song along with pup puppy herself, under the creative guidance of the twins Virginia and Victoria Martín Mateos, makes everything we were talking about before clear. The ability to push the limits of our comfort zone, of what is beautiful and esthetic, of all the formal correctness. The two protagonists play at being Living Dolls, but little by little their empty, inanimate, inert gestures give way to drier, rougher movements, even flamboyant fighting. David Lynch, John Waters and Jess Franco holding hands in a messy and strangely beautiful piece, the dream-liked mixed with the esthetic of a tapas bar and a country house, the smell of mothballs and tar mixed with orchids and poppies. You have never seen anything like it. You have never heard anything like it. If making art is breaking down walls and barriers, then there is no doubt that rebe is going to be one of the most important Spanish artists.
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