NOSOTRÄSH Will play "Popemas" in Primavera Sound Festival and it will be released for the first time as a limited-edition vinyl!

After more than twenty years on the musical panorama, Elefant has released a few albums that have been marked as “special”, “unique” and “inimitable” in the history of Spanish pop. One of those albums is, without a doubt, “Popemas”, the third album by the Asturian group NOSOTRÄSH. Their one-of-a-kind perspective about song writing, like small snippets of half-finished songs, stripped of bridges, choruses and verses, reduced to their most essential condition, the melody, with lyrics written on loose scraps of paper, notebooks, napkins, even bus tickets, dazzled us all. That album released in 2002 is today a point of reference for so many artists, and of course, for the public and the critics, both here in Spain and elsewhere (John Peel played “Arte”, “Gloria”, and more of the group’s songs on his historic BBC program and always declared himself to be an unconditional fan of NOSOTRÄSH). It was the best album of the year for numerous specialized publications and even the prestigious RockDeLux named it the tenth best album of the decade, in a special edition of the magazine in which David Saavedra highlighted “a work of art that, for its bravery, clarity of ideas and inspiration, seems very hard to beat”. They solidified all of that on some of the most prestigious stages, from the Festival Internacional de Benicàssim to Primavera Sound.
What’s more, the album had an extremely important collaborator who did the production work and who helped make the album what it is today, a very important and beloved personality here at Elefant Records. Ibon Errazkin doesn’t only have producing an album as fantastic as this on his CV, he also has work as a musician (AVENTURAS DE KIRLIAN, LE MANS, SINGLE), and as a producer (Ana D, Carlos Berlanga, CORAZÓN…). He is a person with an infinite imagination for whom we have the deepest admiration.
This is why we are so satisfied and happy to be able to celebrate the next NOSOTRÄSH show in which they will perform precisely that album, with some very special guests, in the incomparable Auditorio del Forum de Barcelona, as a part of the programmed activities of Primavera Sound 2011, Saturday, May 28th. This is an unbeatable opportunity to remember songs like “Gloria”, “Corazón Colilla” and that “Tres tristes tigres” sung with Nacho Vegas, and to see Cova, Bea and Natalia on stage again, surrounded by Mar Alvarez (PAULINE EN LA PLAYA), Pedro Vigil (PENELOPE TRIP, EDWIN MOSES) and Eva Díaz.
But that’s not all, since they celebrate the tenth anniversary of the album’s release and to celebrate their show in Primavera Sound, this coming May 17th we will release “Popemas” in vinyl format for the first time. As always, we pay special attention to every last detail, and this time it will be a limited-edition, white vinyl record. This is ärt.
Click here to listen to the album on SPOTIFY
Click here to listen to the album on DEEZER
Click here to watch the video-clip of "Arte"
Click here to watch the video-clip of "Gloria"
NOSOTRÄSH: Will play "Popemas" in Primavera Sound Festival and it will be released for the first time as a limited-edition vinyl!
picture: Nosoträsh: Tocarán "Popemas" en el Primavera Sound Festival y se editará por primera vez una edición limitada del disco en vinilo!!!
NOSOTRÄSH: Will play "Popemas" in Primavera Sound Festival and it will be released for the first time as a limited-edition vinyl!
picture: Nosoträsh: Tocarán "Popemas" en el Primavera Sound Festival y se editará por primera vez una edición limitada del disco en vinilo!!!