New video by Nosotr?sh

After the excellent outcome of their video "Dando vueltas", NOSOTRÄSH have worked again with film director Juan Ugarriza on the second videoclip taken from their fantastic fourth album, "Cierra la puerta al salir". The song they have chosen for this new video is "Completamente sola", and the images they filmed to set it to images are the most beautiful postcards to illustrate with a melancholic beauty the feelings behind many of the songs in the album: the members of the band come out alone -completely alone, "completamente solas"- at their homes, preparing some tea or some coffee, reading, playing guitar or sharing their solitude with other lonely souls over the internet.
The video has been shot in their hometown, Gijón, and as the song goes by they stop being alone: they meet the others at the Librería Paradiso in Gijón, one of those magical places where one can get lost in a world of wonderful books and records (they choose a Nabokov paperback; they look over the cover of a record by Serge Gainsbourg: solitude is more easily bearable with a good book and a good record).
Juan Ugarriza, the director, has filmed other videos for independent Spanish bands such as TACHENKO (with whom he won the national contest Cinemad 2004) or GARZÓN, apart from two short films ("Imprevistos", from 2001, and "La piscina", shot in 2004) and other jobs on TV and commercials.

Nosotr?sh [Completamente sola videoclip]
picture: Video