Elefant in Mexico

Mexican label Molecula Records is ready to release by the end of June two new references by Elefant recording artists who have already a big fanbase in that country. NOSOTRÄSH and LA MONJA ENANA will release there their most recent albums, both with some surprise bonus for good luck. “Cierra la puerta al salir”, NOSOTRAS most recent album, will be released in Mexico featuring the same number of songs as its Spanish release (featuring songs that are already classics in the band’s discography, such as “Dicen” or “Completamente sola”), but to these they will add up to four videoclips (“Dando vueltas”, “Gloria”, “Arte” and “Maldito espejo”). This Mexican release will also feature additional tracks with pictures of the band, cover artwork of all their records and the band’s biography.
As for LA MONJA ENANA, the album due to be released in Mexico by Molecula Records is the compilation “Un secret terrible”, just released in France by La Bulle Sonore (an album which features the songs from their singles, plus rarities, songs from compilations, demos and even songs from the “¡Qué mutada!” project, as well as the videoclip for “Amor cuántico”), but it will also feature two extra tracks: remixes of “Por amor al arte” (Monjatron mix) and “Números” (remixed by British artist DJ Downfall).