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"The Nightmare of J B Stanislas" review

The Nightmare Of J.B Stanislas
Nick Garrie
Elefant Records

40th Anniversary of Garrie’s “lost classic” given the loving reissue treatment it deserves.
It's funny how amongst the millions of albums that weren't welcomed into the cd or mp3 generation, either by perceived lack of interest or legal mumbo jumbo, some manage to take on a whole level of cult status.

Such was the case of Nick Garrie's debut, recently springing up on the blogsphere as a forgotten masterpiece, and here given the 40th anniversary treatment.

'The Nightmare of J B Stanislas' is an instantly likeable slice of 60's baroque pop much in the vain of another group of under-appreciated swinging popsters The Zombies, lush orchestral string arrangements back Garrie's joyful songwriting and softly sung vocals.

Introspective numbers 'Can I Stay With You?' and the opening title track are when Garrie's talents are better displayed, whilst his playful humorous side comes through on the tongue-in-cheek celebration 'Bungles Holiday', and the inebriated slur of 'Drive Them Blues Away'.

It may sound of its time but some of the tracks collected here are truly ageless, hopefully this reissue treatment will correct its position from forgotten gem to perfect pop classic.

Mike Caulfield

Nick Garrie [Subba-Cultcha]
picture: Archivo Elefant










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