NICK GARRIE: “The Nightmare of JB Stanislas” Documentary

Documentary "The Nightmare Of J.B. Stanislas [40th Anniversary] A film by Ally Kerr
Ally Kerr is releasing a documentary about Nick Garrie.
The Scottish musician Ally Kerr has made a documentary in which she recovers the origins of “The Nightmare of JB Stanislas”, with commentary from Nick Garrie himself, and follows the strange set of circumstances that led to the album’s decades-long curse, up to the album’s revival in this past year’s Primavera Sound Festival with a live, in-full performance accompanied by a string section, including the rehearsal process and parts of the concert.
This documentary doesn’t just bring together the incredible lengths gone to and initiatives taken in order to pay homage to such a great and wonderful album; it also shares Garrie’s special vision as a song-writer, close and pleasant, careful and hard-working, and as the person behind this story, with his peculiar and unique perception of it from inside, beyond the legends and dark passages that always find their way into these kinds of narratives.
A small piece, sweet and affectionate, respectful and accessible, that in a few short minutes summarizes the transition from obscurity to recognition that has lasted more than forty years, with magical and incredible moments. It’s worth watching, and much more.