LOS BONSÁIS: "¡No Quiero Salir!" Digital Single

We couldn’t be more excited to have news about LOS BONSÁIS and to hear their new songs. Helena and Nel gave us almost four years’ worth of silence after reaching such a huge impact with their Singles and Mini-LP’s, even beyond our borders, in the United States and Japan. It has been four years since their last collection of their own songs and three years since that 7” of covers of four of their favorite bands: TV PERSONALITIES, THE VASELINES, BLACK TAMBOURINE and THE PASTELS. But now they are back with that same freshness and with those same delicious and immediate melodies. The bass comes in first, the drums come trotting in a moment later, the guitar lets out a few arpeggios and then the chorus comes and everything falls marvelously into place. “¡No Quiero Salir!” is a hymn to laziness made with astonishing sweetness. The video that illustrates it is good proof of that: books, comics, dresses and a sense of humor, in a garden full of flowers. Attitude, it’s called. We cannot wait to be able to share “Hinoki”, their first LP, with you. We are so close to getting our hands on the album, and on it they don’t hide, more than ever, their passion for AVENTURAS DE KIRLIAN and LE MANS.