LISASINSON “Se Me Ha Muerto Una Flor" Single Digital

“Un Año De Cambios” is already out. It’s LISASINSON’s moment right now. It’s the moment for the best of lists, for world-renowned stages, for recognition on a national and international level, for a fired-up crowd. And to celebrate, we’re releasing a Digital Single with one of the many hits that fill that marvelous debut album, which shows off their energy, their strength, their melodic potential, and also their maturity and evocativeness. “Se Me Ha Muerto Una Flor” is a chorus begging you to singing along, an infinite mosh pit, excitement and poetry, and it is a broken heart just when you get to the end of the song: “Tenías razón, no supe cuidar de ti / Tenías razón, tenía que aprender a cuidar de mí” (You were right, I didn’t know how to take care of you / You were right, I had to learn how to take care of me). And to go along with it, we have a marvelous music video directed by Polígono (the producer who gave us NENAS’ music videos). In the video, we see Míriam and Paula setting up a camping trip in the living room of their house, and once they eat the petals of a flower, they go into a lysergic dream world. Long live LISASINSON.
As proof that 2023 is their year, we want to let you know that “Un Año De Cambios” was released in Japan at the end of August as a special edition that includes two extra tracks from their 10” vinyl “Perdona Mamá”, with lyrics in Japanese and a special text-interview from the inquisitive Japanese journalist and DJ Girlside. Everything is ready for them to develop a serious fanbase in Japan: attitude, songs, esthetic and the desire and enthusiasm.
Because LISASINSON have gotten to this point with a lot of experience accumulated along the way. In 2023, they have performed countless concerts. Festivals like “Let’s Festival”, “Monkey Week”, “Indieferente”, “Vida”, “Ojeando”, “Granollers Musik n Viu”, “Cinturó Jove” and “Mediterránea”, among others, have already seen the kind of the energy their live show holds. And soon, the album release tour will officially reach Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia, and so many other concerts. Furious guitars, relentless rhythm, frenzy and dancing until you can’t take it anymore. Punk rock, riot grrrls, distortion, all that and then some, LISASINSON.