LISASINSON "Cuchillos" Single Digital

A few weeks ago, we told you about the imminent arrival of the LISASINSON’s upcoming new album, and as a new teaser we presented "Últimamente". Now, we’re back with a new advance single – the fourth so far – for “Un Año De Cambios”, a highly anticipated album that will be here very soon.
“Cuchillos” gives us the very essence of LISASINSON: energy, immediate melodies, distortion, punk spirit… But we also have more detailed production work (thanks to Carlos Hernández), more complex guitar layers and more meticulous arrangements. The result? A new, furious hit, with lines like “Últimamente me parezco a Lucifer / Capulla, orgullosa y difícil de querer” (Lately I am just like Lucifer / A jerk, proud and hard to love), powerful, immediate, and it comes with a “Visualizer” directed by Miguel Yubero. Eloquent and straightforward, knives in the air, knives on the floor, knives stabbed in tables and chairs, and the deadpan stare of our protagonists, tension that could be cut with a knife and a chorus like a mortal wound.