LISASINSON "Últimamente" Digital Single

After a few very busy months, with an intense performance schedule, we have discographic news from LISASINSON. In 2023, they will release a new album, “Un Año De Cambios”, and we have here a new advance, “Últimamente”. The song shows greater maturity in the guitars, in the way the dynamic works, but is just as furious and full of spite as always, speedy, aggressive, with lyrics that leave little room for metaphor:“Sería genial que mi gato no oliese a muerto como tú” (It would be great if my cat didn’t smell like death like you). Fury. Rage. Punk. The production is once again handled by the magical Carlos Hernández (CAROLINA DURANTE, AXOLOTES MEXICANOS, AIKO EL GRUPO, TRIÁNGULO DE AMOR BIZARRO).
And for the occasion, Miguel Yubero has prepared a video like a kind of visualizer, a loop with long shots in which a voyeur serves as a vehicle and a metaphor for all the negative emotions the song expresses. This advance predicts that our LISASINSON still have energy to keep on burning it up on the road.