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"Fiesta" article


“Romancero” was a national phenomenon and a great discovery outside of our borders. After the excitement her demo stirred up, that debut album not only met but even surpassed all of our expectations. It was “album of the year” for MondoSonoro and RockDeLux (the latter placed “Romancero” among the best national albums of the decade); it also received effusive reviews all over the media, both in specialized and general news sources; and it made the cover of different publications, including some really important ones, like EP3 and MondoSonoro.

Because we could hope for nothing less, the tour covered the entire Spanish map, including the big festivals (Primavera Sound, Contempopranea, FIB, South Pop, Twoday Festival…) and special events like Día de la Música (Day of Music). It was the first release on Elefant Mexico, and she was invited to open for Julieta Venegas there, in two of the most important theaters in the country (El Teatro Metropolitan in Mexico City and the Auditorio Luis Elizondo in Monterrey), where she was incredibly well received by the thousands of people who had the opportunity to see her. The album was released in the States by National Records, where it once again received enthusiastic reviews in many different media, all of which culminated in a concert at the prestigious Latin Alternative Music Conference in New York.

Once again with David Rodríguez (BEEF, LA ESTRELLA DE DAVID) collaborating, “Fiesta” honors its name: an incomparable celebration, an involuntary homage to music, a gift to the ears of everyone who loves music. Unclassifiable and inimitable, indefinable but above all exciting, LA BIEN QUERIDA’s music plays with styles to create a masterpiece. Because once again we can hear flamenco, rumbas, rancheras, Mozarab music, waltzes, electronic music, and even a solemn Holy week march! But all of that always serves the pop, with immortal melodies, and above all unforgettable lyrics, that include lines that irremediably break our hearts:
“Hay cosas que hubiera preferido no saber/ Y todo lo que sabes que no quiero comprender/ pero hoy al volverte a ver, / decidí empezar a quererte otra vez” (There are things I wish I didn’t know / And all the things you know I don’t want to understand / but today I’m going to see you again / I decided to start to love you again), she sings on “Hoy”, the first single from the album, while on “Sentido Común” she tells us, “Me estás robando horas de sueño, / me estoy mintiendo y me lo creo, / pero como te estoy queriendo / no tiene memoria ni tiene tiempo” (You are stealing my sleep, / I am lying to myself and I believe it, / but the way I love you / has no memory and no time).

That’s why “Fiesta” is a timeless album, monumental, that exceeds the concept of landmark we mentioned before, and it comes back to remind us what art really is. And the thing is, true art is always a party for the senses.

La Bien Querida [Galer?a alternativa]
picture: Archivo Elefant

La Bien Querida [Galer?a alternativa]
picture: Archivo Elefant

La Bien Querida [Galer?a alternativa]
picture: Archivo Elefant

La Bien Querida [Galer?a alternativa]
picture: Archivo Elefant










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