
From all the family clans related to pop business, no doubt one of the most popular and talented is the Jacksons bunch, from Indiana, Usa. If you have lived in this planet for the last 20 years you must know everything of Michael, Janet, Jermaine, Latoyah and all the brothers that contributed to leave that surname written in bold, golden letters in the history of popular music of all times.



However, there is a fact that hardly ever appears in official biographies: during a promotional visit to Spain in the seventies, the family´s patriarch met a beautiful young lady, get impressed by her charms and... well, Spanish sun and “sangría” made the rest.


So nine months later the Jacksons family was increased with a new member, only slightly paler than the rest. Needless to say, his biological father didn´t want to hear a word about the whole affaire, denying young JACKSON his legitimate portion of glory and fame.


Nevertheless, and maybe the genes played a crucial role in all this, young JACKSON showed from his very early years a genuine talent for playing and composing wonderful pop hits full of shiny melodies and casiotone beats. Unfortunately, this talent was ignominiously ignored by the media, too busy with the masterpieces delivered by his elder “brothers” and “sisters”.


Luckily enough, Elefant Records, well-known protector of the weak, ran into help with the aim of making JACKSON as rich as famous as the rest of his notorious “family”. So here are these three brilliant techno pop anthems that can´t pass unnoticed to anyone with a heart.








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