In Valencia there is a scene going on that has reached a boiling point. And there is a new name to pay attention to: AMOR BUTANO. With a few songs already released in digital format, this trio formed by Diego Ferrando (production, keyboards), Raquel Goterris (keyboards, vocals) and Sara Alegre (keyboards, vocals) and rooted in the Benimaclet neighborhood, is an absolute dancefloor hit. They have no issues with looking unabashedly to the 80s (they continually reference MECANO) or the groups that use that marvelous decade as a base for their updated sound (Dua Lipa, THE WEEKND). And their first step with Elefant Records comes hand in hand with VALVERDINA (CARIÑO) and CIBERCHICO (Toxic Pop).
All of this came about while recording a video, where Sara and Diego coincided with Pablo (CIBERCHICO) and María (VALVERDINA). They all went out together and there was chemistry. The night ended at Diego’s studio, recording lyrics over a base he already had ready. Inspired by Javiera Mena, they have created an openly positive, energetic song that is a definite hit. The song is a cross between post-punk and techno-pop, and it would be the envy of TWIN SHADOW and the CHROMATICS at their most danceable. It is a naïve view of love, looking back nostalgically at school days, explaining how complicated it is to be loved back. An unquestionable starting shot that opens the door to a very succulent repertoire.
And this “Esta Era” comes with a very special lyric video, directed by Javier Artigas (the band’s usual audiovisual boss) and whose director of photography and editing was Enrique Tarazona, where we can see our protagonists coming together around a paella dish, where surprising things happen. Tradition, costumbrism, humor and horror all come together here, as they will on the single, “Tifón Salinas”, that will come out it two weeks. Until then, let’s dance.
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