LINDA GUILALA: Release “Psiconáutica”, their second album

Seven years have passed between the release of LINDA GUILALA’s debut album, and this new one. They haven’t been silent years, for the record label – there have been numerous singles, EPs, Mini-LPs, as well as other work, like the new theme song for the legendary program on Radio 3, “Disco Grande”, concerts throughout Europe, and the abundant production work that Eva and Iván have done in the Kaiju Studios in Vigo. But now we everything is clear. It was a time for polishing, refining, for preparing, for pampering, for perfecting, for using up every possible drop of inspiration. Because what we have here is a masterpiece. The album. “Psiconáutica”. An electric, hallucinogenic journey – right from the album cover – that ties them (as if they weren’t already) to MY BLOODY VALENTINE, THE JESUS & MARY CHAIN, BEACH HOUSE, SILVANIA, SLOWDIVE, COCTEAU TWINS and LOS PLANETAS.
“Psiconáutica” is ambitious, it’s true, and the album format itself shows it. The album has twenty songs (more than half barely reach the minute mark) and there is barely a second of silence, not even between tracks. The saturation and atmosphere are key, but where, contrary to what it might seem, Eva’s vocals and melodies shine especially bright. As proof, we have songs like “Cosas Nuevas”, “Accidente”, “Fobia Social I” and “La Última Vez (1ª Recidiva)”, among others, where Iván and Eva’s punk past shows through. Because “Psiconáutica”, apart from a magnificent handful of compositions, is proof that psychedelia doesn’t require a lot of time to be effective: 20 songs in barely 42 minutes. Breaking the traditions, as only the great works of art can do.
Because “Psiconáutica” is an experience: sonic, emotional, and something else. Sonic, because the walls of sound laid out on this album go beyond shoegazing; they are more daring, challenging, not looking at your feet but directly in your eyes, with determination and conviction, and also with pain. That’s why the emotional aspect also stands out, as it identifies a series of overwhelming feelings, close to that teenage angst that is so frequent in the music tabloids lately – it’s intense, with no holds barred and without shying away from it. But it all goes one step further, pushed by lyrics that are obsessive, repetitive, sometimes even sick. Because psychedelia is exploration, and that is the “something else” on this album. Psychedelia, to the greatest extent. It is SPIRITUALIZED’s “Medication”; it’s SPACEMEN 3’s “Walkin’ With Jesus”; it’s LOS PLANETAS’ “Nuevas Sensaciones”; it’s the dark side of “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds”. It’s “Psiconáutica”.
It’s a huge step for LINDA GUILALA. This album can’t be approached with hesitation, skimming through YouTube or as a quick listen. It has to be enjoyed as it is, in its entirety, from beginning to end. And with full devotion from the listener; unwavering attention. We can’t say anything more than that; from here on out it’s your territory, shared with them, with LINDA GUILALA.
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