La Casa Azul, new single "Todas tus amigas" [All your friends]

Click here to listen to the single on SPOTIFY
Click here to listen to the single on DEEZER
Click here to buy the single on ITUNES
In 2011 a new adventure will begin for LA CASA AZUL, the most exciting and unexpected adventure, the most hoped-for adventure, an adventure full of fantasies that will transport us to LA CASA AZUL’s new universe. We didn’t want to say good-bye to this year without offering the first few clues about this new adventure-release, which will be called "La Polinesia Meridional", to all of the group’s fans. LA CASA AZUL’s new album is practically finished and what we’re giving you right now are the first brush-strokes of what is going to be a spectacular painting, a self-portrait of the world that surrounds Guille Milkyway, a perfect reflection of all our lives, with our fears and joys, our best and worst moments, but always with that optimism that is imprinted on the songs of one the musical projects that most enflames our fantasies and evasions through music.
"Todas tus amigas" is a song about suffering and about how liberating it is to be aware of other people’s suffering. It is about death’s inexorableness and escapism as a valid method of dealing with pain and fear. Sometimes we think it is impossible that certain people are suffering when outwardly they seem confident and well balanced. Learning that even these people can carry a profound hurt deep inside them can sometimes, frankly, be comforting and occasionally helps to trivialize one’s own suffering.
On December 1st the digital version of LA CASA AZUL’s new single, “Todas tus amigas”, goes on sale. The single will include the cover of “Vacaciones” that was recently released on the tribute album to Carlos Berlanga, “Viaje Satélite alrededor de Carlos Berlanga”, as the B-side. December 1st will also see the release of the new Elefant compilation, “Space Escapade (aventura espacial) Unit 1”, a double CD with 44 songs which include, in addition to “Todas tus amigas” another previously-unreleased advance by Guille Milkyway, “How many days in forever” from his project MILKYWAY. This project is more intimate, with a more classic sound, halfway between folk and soft-pop, with a careful yet simple production, and the project’s principal language is English. The compilation will also include the new exclusive remix of LA BIEN QUERIDA’s “9.6” and two previously-released songs by LA CASA AZUL, “Esta noche sólo cantan para mí” and “Bad guys” (the English-language version of “Chicos malos” as a duet with Duglas T. Stewart of BMX BANDITS).
On December 13th the video-clip of “Todas tus amigas” will be released, a video masterfully directed by Nadia Mata Portillo. And then in 2011 we will be able to enjoy "La Polinesia Meridional", LA CASA AZUL’s highly anticipated new album and their corresponding tour.
Todas tus amigas son tan lindas
son tan frágiles, tan dúctiles, tan frías
ellas se entretienen presumiendo
analizan y ejercitan movimientos
para desplazarse sin apenas rozamiento
todas tus amigas se dan cita hoy en el bar, ¿quién da más?
Una te conmueve cuando grita
porque suena una de Stevie en la pista
otra se congela sin remedio
porque el Gibson tiene demasiado hielo
las demás planean por el aire, se sostienen a un milímetro del suelo
todas tus amigas se dan cita hoy en el bar
(siempre supe que algo no encajaba)
Ya no pueden disimular, ya no pueden tener el sol
ellas sufren mucho más que tú y te engañan
no les quedan artimañas
las pillaste en un desliz y ahora ya
No te pueden impresionar, se acabó la interpretación
ellas pierden la razón mientras se apagan
se consumirán mañana por la mañana
Todas tus amigas son tan lindas
son tan ágiles, tan pálidas, tan niñas
ellas son volátiles como pluma al viento
son precisas siempre atentas al momento
son monocromáticas y aberrantemente dulces
casi nunca se separan y es que
todas tus amigas se dan cita hoy en el bar
(siempre supe que algo no encajaba)
Ya no pueden disimular, ya no pueden tener el sol
ellas sufren mucho más que tú y te engañan
no les quedan artimañas
las pillaste en un desliz y ahora ya
No te pueden impresionar, se acabó la interpretación
ellas pierden la razón mientras se apagan
se suicidarán mañana por la mañana
y detienen el tiempo
y se olvidan de respirar
se convierten en viento
y languidecen y se escapan
y permanecen bonitas
mientras empiezan a agonizar
son bellas equilibristas
que se abandonan y se lanzan
al vacío, tienen alas
sobrevuelan las ciudades y montañas
y se expanden y se explayan
siempre supe que algo no encajaba
All your friends are so pretty
they’re so fragile, so malleable, so cold
they play at posing
analyze and practice the moves
to move around barely touching the ground
all your friends are meeting at the bar today
Who is the best deal?
One moves you when she screams
because Stevie’s playing on the dance floor
another suddenly freezes
because her Gibson has too much ice
the rest hover in the air, a millimeter above the ground
all your friends are meeting at the bar today
(I always knew something didn’t fit)
They can’t pretend anymore, they can’t feel the sun
they suffer much more than you and they’re tricking you
they have no tricks left
you caught them in a slip and now
They can’t make an impression on you, their games are over
they lose the right as they turn off
they will burn out tomorrow morning
All your friends are so pretty
so agile, so pale, so girlish
they are volatile like a feather in the wind
they are precise and always attentive to any shift
they are monochromatic and disgustingly sweet
they almost never separate and
all your friends are meeting at the bar today
(I always knew something didn’t fit)
They can’t pretend anymore, they can’t feel the sun
they suffer much more than you and they’re tricking you
they have no tricks left
you caught them in a slip and now
They can’t make an impression on you, their games are over
they lose the right as they turn off
they will kill themselves tomorrow morning
and they stop time
and they forget to breathe
they turn into the wind
and they wilt and they escape from themselves
and they stay pretty
as they begin to agonize
they are beautiful balancing acts
that give up and leap
into space they have wings
they fly over the cities and mountains
and then expand and unburden
I always knew something didn’t fit
Click here to listen to the single on SPOTIFY
Click here to listen to the single on DEEZER
Click here to buy the single on ITUNES
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