
La Casa Azul and La Bien Querida: Finalists in the Independent Music Awards

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LA BIEN QUERIDA is a finalist in the following categories:
Album of the year
Spanish artist of the year
Best new artist
Best Pop album

LA CASA AZUL in the following category:
Song of the year

**The final decision is in the public’s hands, if you are a fan of our groups and you want to support them, you can vote here: http://www.premiosdelamusicaindependiente.com/?dest=9

All of the finalists have been selected by a Professional Jury in the first round <http://www.premiosdelamusicaindependiente.com/?dest=11>
Now it is the public’s turn to decide who the winners will be, with their vote. You must register in order to vote <http://www.premiosdelamusicaindependiente.com/?dest=9#arriba>
or Sign in if you are already registered <http://www.premiosdelamusicaindependiente.com/?dest=9#arriba>.

LA CASA AZUL and LA BIEN QUERIDA: Finalists in the Independent Music Awards
picture: La Casa Azul y La Bien Querida finalistas en los Premios M?sica Independiente 2010


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