Linda Guilala, release their firts album "Bucles infinitos"

Tracklist: 01. Nadie se dará cuenta 02. Bucles infinitos 03. Protagonista central 04. Sexta dimensión 05. Nada nos va a importar 06. Te he cambiado 07. Guerrillera jardinera 08. Saber perder 09. Torremolinos 10. Nada de miedo 11. Ilusión 12. Mis ideas son
Yeah, JUNIPER MOON were among the most capable composers of the punk-pop pills that have ever existed in Spanish lands, and their international effect corroborates this: critically acclaimed on New Musical Express; Steve Lamacq, the reputed BBC radio host, playing “¿Volverás?” like a mad man; “El Resto de Mí Vida” selected as one of the 100 best albums of the year by the Rough Trade store; the title track that made its way onto that legendary compilation called “Rough Trade shops: Indiepop 1” with other bands like THE JESUS AND MARY CHAIN, MY BLOODY VALENTINE, BELLE AND SEBASTIAN, FELT, THE MAGNETIC FIELDS, TALULAH GOSH, VASELINES, SHOP ASSISTANTS, CAMERA OBSCURA and THE FIELD MICE; that limited edition vinyl single with PRIMAL SCREAM, ABERFELDY and JOSEF K... But the thing is that JUNIPER MOON haven't existed for four years now (although, it has to be said, their flame still burns in our hearts, proof being the compilation that will be released in Japan this Christmas, a collection of all their singles, demos, previously unreleased tracks and various live versions).
From the ashes of that unforgettable group rose LINDA GUILALA, four years ago. Iván and Eva threw themselves into the composition of songs whose modus operandi is their immediacy. The songs are just as addictive, maintaining that incredible freshness in the melodies, with the best of the pop tradition of bands from the Spanish new wave like ALASKA Y LOS PEGAMOIDES and LOS ZOMBIES, with the insolent energy of HELEN LOVE, and that passion for dense, captivating textures of groups like THE CHARLOTTES, LUSH or PALE SAINTS.
After three years of raising our expectations, being played on independent radio stations half the world over, participating on compilations from independent labels from countries as disparate as Mexico, USA, Singapore, Italy, Argentina and Peru, being named in various media sources and highlighted as the second best demo of 2006 by “Disco Grande” (RNE-Radio 3) listeners, and finally, at Elefant, we are lucky enough to have their debut album, “Bucles Infinitos” in our hands. It is a perfect album - a demonstration of a way of understanding pop that few have managed to express at such a level. They know how to balance youthful energy, twee passion tending toward the most classic pop, the lightest techno-pop with that unavoidable touch of punk, and above all that hazy shine of the shoegaze atmosphere, which all together give way to an authentic treatise for lovers of the melodic genre above all else.
Yes, we've said it, we're reminded of LOS PEGAMOIDES, as well as the first albums by LUSH, MY BLOODY VALENTINE, RIDE, by those groups that made us vibrate so much as the beginning of the nineties, but the energy that LINDA GUILALA puts into this “Bucles Infinitos”, those guitars with appearing and disappearing distortion effects as far as they can push them, Eva's choruses, the layers and layers of organs and keyboards, the most effervescent and urgent pop all make this disc a musical phenomenon in the here and now.
“Te He Cambiado”, “Nadie Se Dará Cuenta” (which opens the album in the most extraordinary way, and is the song they've chosen for their first video), “Nada Nos Va A Importar”, “Ilusión” and “Bucles Infinitos” are authentic, ultra-catchy hits. “Sexta Dimensión” and the slippery “Guerrillera Jardinera” represent the calmest moments of the album, but with a melodic fury and some magnetic choruses bathed in noise. “Protagonista Central” and “Saber Perder” are a pop piece with that touch of tabasco (punk), the bass on “Torremolinos” begins by leading us down shoegaze paths only to end up with a surprising gesture and a tremendous chorus. Because this is one of the greatest surprises that the disc hides: it sounds like many things and yet like nothing else at the same time, and in this case it is clearer than ever, the songs of LINDA GUILALA do so many things at once, they know how to play with pop and melancholy, with speed and introversion, with textures and melodies, and in the end they simply leave you with the feeling of having listened to a handful of tremendously addictive pop compositions like your ears had never heard before. Try it.

LINDA GUILALA: listen to the full album on MYSPACE
picture: disco destacado esta semana en Myspace! puedes escuchar todas las canciones de su ?lbum de debut "Bucles infinitos"
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