The Frank and Walters "A renewed interest in happiness"

"A Renewed Interest In Happiness" is THE FRANK AND WALTERS fifth studio album. Released on the anniversary of their 15th year in music, it encapsulates all that we have come to expect and admire from them. It is probably their finest work.
When they needed a gritty location to suit the mood of the songs "Fight" and "Country Boy", Wheatfield prison offered their services. In fact Paul did the vocal takes in a confined room full of inmates. In an interview they mentioned that they wanted to record in a church. Offers flooded in. "Keep the Faith" and "Hold On" were cut in an old Church Of Ireland building in Carrig Na Bhearr, Cork City.
This new album is an antidote to the trials and tribulations we all face. Questions and answers beautifully packaged in unforgettably perfect melodies.
Next concerts:
Saturday, January 27
Presentación nuevo álbum
The Frank&Walters [uk]
+ Dj Polar + Dj Rojiblanco
Plaza del carmen
Saturday, February 24
XII Minifestival de Música Independiente
The Frank&Walters [uk] + Damon&Naomi [us]
+ The Bitter Springs + ...
price: 13€ adv / 16€ doors / 12,5€ on line
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