MARINITA PRECARIA "Gente Normal" Single Digital

We almost have our hands on it. “Un Vaso De Agua” is going to be the biggest news in Spanish pop in a long time. Marina Gómez’s lyrics, the sensitivity of her songs, her ability to touch us so deeply, and her marvelously exquisite and open pop spirit, are very hard to find ingredients these days. We are bringing you the last single for you to get a taste. “Gente Normal” is an anthem. It’s her most agile song, the most straightforward, musically, and it gives us more unforgettable choruses: “Hemos competido en ser felices / Y nos ha ganado la gente normal” (We have competed at being happy / And the normal people have won). It’s heartbreaking. Is this her “Common People”? Will MARINITA PRECARIA’s sharp pen give us the kind of gifts that Jarvis Cocker gave us in his day? What is clear is that there is no one like her, and “Un Vaso De Agua” is going to become a pop reference made in Spain, just like “Entresemana”, “Un Soplo En El Corazón” and “Popemas” were. It’s almost here.
TRACKLIST: 01 Gente Normal
- all bands
- Aiko el grupo
- Alpaca Sports
- Amor Butano
- Axolotes Mexicanos
- Camera Obscura
- Cristina Quesada
- Elefant Records
- Family
- Fitness Forever
- interrogación amor
- La Casa Azul
- Lightning In A Twilight Hour
- Linda Guilala
- Lisasinson
- Maddie Mae
- Marinita Precaria
- Papa Topo
- Pipiolas
- Soleá Morente
- Sunlit
- The Yearning