The Silver Factory 
Austin Town Hall [Uk]: Reseña "If Words Could Kill"
The Silver Factory – If Words Could Kill
Rating: ★★★ · ·
Over the last few years, the music scene has blossomed with bands foraging through their record collections, looking to find a sound from the past that they can adapt to their own projects. When Fran Feely set about organizing The Silver Factory he might have struggled to find precisely that perfect formula, since his interests, musically speaking, were abundant. But, with If Words Could Kill, it seems he’s found the perfect sound that reflects both his ambitions and his penchant for nostalgia.
“If Words Could Kill” begins with sort of a jangling guitar, combining it with singer Marc Johnston’s soft voice. Yet, listening closely, you’ll see that the guitar sounds has a bit of a wayward California rambling, rather than that sharp-edged jangle from the C86 era that’s often associated with his group. It’s a love dealing with the oft visited theme of unrequited love, but I’ve chosen to focus on that the guitar sound. If Words Could Kill continues its foray into a juxtaposed pop sound with Western guitar on “I Am the Sign.” While the guitars do harken to a more pristine era in classic rock, the group’s rhythm section definitely propels the group into a more modern sound. The drumming, in particular, provides a steady stomping beat that allows the song to remove itself from fashionable nostalgic rock n’ roll.
I think one of the reasons I’m enjoying this mini-LP from The Silver Factory is the lyrical delivery from Johnston. ”The World May Bring Us Down” visits the common theme of mistrust, both in love and in the world. But, Fran has this interesting vocal that really seems like the music could almost be secondary, as if he constructed the vocals prior to asking the rest of the group to join in on the fun. It’s an interesting sound that I know other’s use, but it really seems more prevalent within the confines of If Words Could Kill. Personally, it all comes to fruition when the band offer you “Flowers on the Scene,” perhaps the best song on the record. For what I believe is the second time on the record, a vocal counterpart faintly joins in on the action, providing an extra bit of emphasis on Marc’s vocals. He even changes the pace and delivery from time to time within the track, which really ties in nicely to the track, making it my personal standout.
As you listen through If Words Could Kill, you’ll probably notice the sincerity of singer Marc Johnston, which is a facet appreciated by lovers of great indie pop, myself included. Combine that with the indie pop cum classic Cali rock and you’re going to find yourself swooning over this recent release by The Silver Factory. It might just be the beginning for the group, but they’ve created a strong foundation that will only see the band grow in our hearts in time to come.
If Words Could Kill is out now via Elefant Records.