The Primitives 
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Prim and ProperNovember 12, 2014 by craighaggisTHE PRIMITIVES HAD IT ALL in the fag-end of the 1980s: harmonic pop songs serenaded by the photogenic Tracy Tracy, an accomplished songwriter in Paul McCourt and those songs: Crash, Stop Killing Me, Really Stupid and Thru’ the Flowers. They a…
THE PRIMITIVES | SPIN-O-RAMA [ALBUM REVIEW]Acts that are on the legend tour are notoriously disappointing, unless of course you go to VH1 for your contemporary content. The Primitives’ new release is a shocking treat, maintaining their songwriting chops, and cashing in on a resurgence of drea…
The PRIMITIVES Spin-O-Rama, LP, CD, Digital Elefant Rds Et un nouvel album primesautier, entrainant et emballant pour les Primitives ! Un ! Déjà le précédent « Echoes And Rhymes » de 2012 était une merveille, les 2 singles sorties pour annoncer ce nouveau Long Play laissaient augur…
The Primitives, Spin-o-rama (Elefant 2014)Autor: siguesiguepopProbablemente nos pongamos a hacer una lista de comebacks de bandas internacionales de los últimos cinco años y a casi nadie se le ocurriría mencionar aThe Primitives. Los autores de la pegadiza y atractiva “Crash” se reunieron e…
Spin-O-Rama The PrimitivesSpin-O-Rama“Spin-O-Rama” 7” (Elefant) The slow re-introduction to the Primitives has finally culminated in a full length album of new material! After eons away, they returned to action in 2011 with an EP (see review here), then graced us with an interest…
Spin-O-Rama’ es el disco que The Primitives necesitaban para que su regreso a la actualidad musical no se quedase en un innecesario “revival”. Muchas de las canciones contenidas en sus discos editados a finales de los 80, como ‘Crash’, ‘Secrets’ o ‘I’ll Stick With You’, merecí…
Porky Prime Cuts [En]: "Spin-O-Rama" [Crítica]
Prim and ProperNovember 12, 2014 by craighaggisTHE PRIMITIVES HAD IT ALL in the fag-end of the 1980s: harmonic pop songs serenaded by the photogenic Tracy Tracy, an accomplished songwriter in Paul McCourt and those songs: Crash, Stop Killing Me, Really Stupid and Thru’ the Flowers. They a…
Ion Magazine [En]: "Spin-O-Rama" [Crítica]
THE PRIMITIVES | SPIN-O-RAMA [ALBUM REVIEW]Acts that are on the legend tour are notoriously disappointing, unless of course you go to VH1 for your contemporary content. The Primitives’ new release is a shocking treat, maintaining their songwriting chops, and cashing in on a resurgence of drea…
Voix De Garage Grenoble [Fr]: "Spin-O-Rama" Reseña
The PRIMITIVES Spin-O-Rama, LP, CD, Digital Elefant Rds Et un nouvel album primesautier, entrainant et emballant pour les Primitives ! Un ! Déjà le précédent « Echoes And Rhymes » de 2012 était une merveille, les 2 singles sorties pour annoncer ce nouveau Long Play laissaient augur…
Indienauta [Es]: "Spin-O-Rama" [Crítica]
The Primitives, Spin-o-rama (Elefant 2014)Autor: siguesiguepopProbablemente nos pongamos a hacer una lista de comebacks de bandas internacionales de los últimos cinco años y a casi nadie se le ocurriría mencionar aThe Primitives. Los autores de la pegadiza y atractiva “Crash” se reunieron e…
This Wreckage [En]: "Spin-O-Rama"
Spin-O-Rama The PrimitivesSpin-O-Rama“Spin-O-Rama” 7” (Elefant) The slow re-introduction to the Primitives has finally culminated in a full length album of new material! After eons away, they returned to action in 2011 with an EP (see review here), then graced us with an interest…
Power Pop Gum Drop [En]: "Spin-O-Rama" reseña
Je Ne Sais Pop [Es]: "Spin-O-Rama" [Crítica]
Spin-O-Rama’ es el disco que The Primitives necesitaban para que su regreso a la actualidad musical no se quedase en un innecesario “revival”. Muchas de las canciones contenidas en sus discos editados a finales de los 80, como ‘Crash’, ‘Secrets’ o ‘I’ll Stick With You’, merecí…