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Oblique Mùsique [Es]: PREMIERE: Psiconáutica, by LINDA GUILALA





LINDA GUILALA is a Spanish duo that has been making shoegaze/dreampop inspired for more than 10 years now.
“Guilala” is a Japanese monster “a giant bird with three antennae who travels on top of a spaceship from Mars and, once on Earth, becomes giant and terrorizes Japan.”
Linda means “Beautiful” in spanish.
You do the math.





Today, they are releasing their new album strategically called “Psiconáutica” (something like “psychedelic astronaut”) and you will listen to it first here.
The album is being released on Vinyl (500 numbered copies in Red & Clear LP), Digipack CDs and Digitally through the also Spanish label ELEFANT RECORDS.


So, enjoy the new album from Linda Guilala “Psiconáutica”.
For fans of My Bloody Valentine, Cocteau Twins, Slow Dive and Beach House.










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