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Remezcla [En]: Aurora Video-Clip

Video: La Bien Querida’s “Aurora” [ESP]

BY Paola Capó-García | PUBLISHED: Monday, June 17th, 2013


Video: La Bien Querida’s “Aurora” [ESP]
















Some videos are backwards because they depict outdated values and others are just literally backwards. La Bien Querida’s newest single, “Aurora”—off the very phenomenal Ceremonia—doesn’t so much unfold as it retreats into itself. Things are uncut, bikes are backpedaled, coffee is desugared. The rewind motion disjoints the narrative until the big slap at the end, when you realize, “Oh, people are dying in this video.” That girl drinking coffee in the backyard, she’s not just taking a nap. Was she the mistress? What’s that pink stuff? Where am I?! Watch it again to see what we mean. Directed by Lluís Prieto, this one’s further proof that La Bien Querida’s got a knack for good videos.











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