One of the collections we are proudest of here at Elefant Records is “New Adventures In Pop”, an initiative dedicated to giving opportunities to new groups. Names that are now well-known by pop fans have been come through this collection, like PAPA TOPO, EL PALACIO DE LINARES, NELEONARD, BELLE GHOUL, SAGRADO CORAZÓN DE JESÚS, AXOLOTES MEXICANOS and LIA PAMINA. And now we are bringing you a new group that we are sure you’ll be talking about.
NOS MIRAN is a techno-pop duo comprised of Sergio Rodríguez (CAPITÁN SUNRISE, THE SOLVERS) and Marta Quintana (VENTOLÍN). They met at the Elefant Records stand in a LA BIEN QUERIDA concert, Santi from CAPITÁN SUNRISE introduced them and a few months later they were already working together.
“Humo” is their first release, a purple, 10”, 500-copy limited-numbered-edition Mini-LP, where synthesizers, 8-bit arpeggiators, and even some distorted guitars play. But the most important thing is how wide an expressive palette they show in only six songs, from melancholic techno-pop to bubbly pop-punk, and with moments of europop or delicate synth-pop. But not only in the musical aspect; the lyrics also range from an evocative look back to brazen events, from carefree to critical.
“Amor Y” reminds us of AU REVOIR SIMONE and FUTURE BIBLE HEROES, a cosmic lullaby about love and the fear of falling in love again and failing again. “Humo” is a song that Sergio wrote when he heard TINDERSTICKS’ “Another Night In”. Hypnotized by the song’s structure, he decided to do something similar but with a touch of dance, evoking LA CASA AZUL’s early songs. The lyrics look back at that person that was there but is not there anymore, and whom you remember in so many mundane, everyday moments. “Dinero Para Nada”, with choruses by Santi CAPITÁN, takes us back to our childhood, that magical time we lived in and that will never come back, but that we remember constantly and wish we could go back to so many times. “La Montaña Del Amor”, somewhere between LA BUENA VIDA and BAND À PART, talks about that first love, when you were still just a kid and you felt something you had never felt before. That special, primal feeling that can happen again over the years, but will never be as intense as it was that first time. “No Te Veo Enamorado (¿Por Qué Será?)” is pure candy-sweet pop-punk, the perfect combination of HELEN LOVE and GUATAFÁN. “No Puedo Ser Hipster” closes this first release from NOS MIRAN with a touch of distress, in a story about the extreme madness of modern times, passing fads, and how to be accepted by doing what the system requires of you.
With collaborations from Javier Castellanos (SALVADOR TÓXICO),Santi Diego(CAPITÁN SUNRISE), Javier León and Alberto Rodway (DETERGENTE LÍQUIDO), NOS MIRAN have created an open and diverse cover letter with “Humo”, which offers a collection of immense possibilities for a future that we imagine will be filled with hits and solid pop songs.
NOS MIRAN "Siempre Igual" Single Digital
Sergio Rodríguez and Marta Quintana are keeping up their intense discographic activity. In addition to their debut Mini-LP, their Digital Singles, and that magnificent album (“Todo Se Repite”) they have released since they got started in 2018, we are adding a new and imminent full-length with the same title as the song that is coming as an advance, “Siempre Igual”, and that we are bringing you today. Once again, they are focusing on what is special and unique about what they have to offer: the mix of songs that are so easy to dance to, between disco and techno-pop, perfect choruses, with lyrics that alternate between real and surreal, and an important philosophical position. “El miedo a equivocarnos / Me hace hacerlo todo mal / Ese error / Nos tiene alejados / Como una oscura señal” (Fear of making a mistake / Makes me do everything wrong / That mistake / Separates us / Like a dark signal). The music video, directed again by Antonio Máiquez (who again honors his important role in the group’s audiovisual work), reinforces this idea: lights, cars, undefined spaces, that symbol of the infinite that appears everywhere and that is incessantly erased. This is multifaceted work, equal parts reflexive and enjoyable, a highly inexplicable rara avis, like a wormhole that carries us from one dimension to another in less than a millisecond.
NOS MIRAN "No Quiero El Control" Single Digital
“No Quiero El Control”, the second advance single from their new album, is radical in this aspect. It is probably one of their more solid songs, a definite and radical hit for the dance floor, catchy and easy to dance to, accompanied by evasive, slippery lyrics, that even have a certain occasional touch of anguish.
NOS MIRAN "Siempre Igual" Álbum
Sergio Rodríguez and Marta Quintana put us in a trance with their hazy projections, their twilight essence, but the existentialist traces of the past open brazenly with more direct lyrics. They radically transcend that simplistic term that is used to describe them as “sad dance”. There is depth, attitude, ideas – it’s called character.
Songs like “Siempre Igual” or “Oculto” build the mood of this album, made up of short songs, like a kind of “Popemas” (that legendary album by NOSOTRÄSH) in the key of house. In this surprising collection, their advance singles, “Siempre Igual” and the sad and melancholic “La Torre”, deserve special mention, as does that powerful hit made for the dance floor that is “No Quiero El Control”, and that exquisite and delicate story, “La Chica Que Curaba Textos”, that barely hits the minute mark. What it comes down to is that “Siempre Igual” is an album that it is surprisingly easy and enjoyable to listen to, making it easy to listen to repeatedly, constantly, to get everything you can out of lyrics full of edge, and savor the traces of something very special. Because if anything is clear, it is that NOS MIRAN are not like everyone else.
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