Mirafiori debut long-player on AUTOPOP

It's been four long years since Spanish band MIRAFIORI released "Cinco minutos", their debut EP on Spanish indie label Annika, and with it they seduced indie-pop fans everywhere with beautiful songs as the title track (fifth best song from 2002 in the readers' poll on influential Spanish mag Rockdelux) or "Cosas que es mejor no hacer", chosen by Radio 3's DJ Julio Ruiz as his June 2002 song on his "Disco Grande" show. Now, after a long period of recording due to his residence outside Spain, we are glad to annouce the release of "No podemos volver a casa", the long-player debut by Nacho Fernández's project. A record that is formed by delicious songs that move along our own Donosti Sound from Spain (the golden age of Spanish indie-pop) and the best of alltime British indie sound, or to be more accurate, between FAMILY and THE FIELD MICE o BRIAN.
The record has been recorded in Madrid with the help of Guille Mostaza (a member of the pop band ELLOS and producer of PORTONOVO, among others), and after the demise of the Annika record label it will be released through Autopop this next summer. On it we will find songs which belong to different moments in the group's history, from the first demos (a new version of "Estamos desafinados"), the months following the first EP in Madrid ("Recuerdos del lago artificial", "Luciérnagas", "Nosotros y nuestros abrigos", "Agujeros en la arena"...), and Nacho's long stays in Germany ("En la luna", "Hasta que vuelva", "Acto de constricción") and France ("El idioma de las flores").

Mirafiori [Cover]
picture: Gregorio Soria