The Primitives 
Elige un año:
Interview with Paul Court from The PrimitivesThe Primitives, famous for the international hit single ‘Crash’ are back with a new four song EP to be released on 10 inch vinyl. Tomatrax caught up with Paul Court from the band to ask a few questions.You’ll be releasing a 10 inch EP of new mater…
Disco Grande "The Primitives: Tratado de pop en once lecciones" 17 nov 2014 AUDIO ENTREVISTA pinchando AQUÍ Charla con Tracy Tracy a partir del minuto 36 Se lo queríamos decir a una de las "culpables" (Tracy Tracy) y extender ese sentimiento a Paul (PJ Court…
The Primitives have been invited to guest edit MAGNET this week, so we thought we’d spin right back through memory, as the line from the title track of our new album, Spin-O-Rama, goes (how’s that for a clever bit of crowbarring?), and revisit some music-related experiences from our childhood,…
Tracy Tracy: «Ahora las bandas pueden hacerlo todo encerradas en su habitación» THE PRIMITIVES FIRA DEL DISC PALMA CULTURA GUILLERMO ESTEBAN 25-10-2014Probablemente ninguno de sus alumnos a quienes imparte clases particulares de inglés, en Barcelona, sabe que ella lidera un grupo que fue…
Keeping It Peel With Paul Court of the Primitives Where has the time gone? This weekend marks 10 years since John Peel's turntable stopped spinning. As we are all managing the juxtaposition of sadness and celebration, I have asked Paul Court of the Coventry band the Primitives for his remembra…
I’m too young to remember a lot of what made music great.It’s sad, really, isn’t it? That such a phrase can be uttered in a time when, realistically, charting music should be bigger, more vibrant and, above all else, more fun and exciting than ever.Just over twenty five years ago, the vibrant …
Tomatrax [En]: Interview with Paul Court from The Primitives
Interview with Paul Court from The PrimitivesThe Primitives, famous for the international hit single ‘Crash’ are back with a new four song EP to be released on 10 inch vinyl. Tomatrax caught up with Paul Court from the band to ask a few questions.You’ll be releasing a 10 inch EP of new mater…
Disco Grande, Radio 3 [Es]: Entrevista a Tracy Tracy "Spin-O-Rama"
Disco Grande "The Primitives: Tratado de pop en once lecciones" 17 nov 2014 AUDIO ENTREVISTA pinchando AQUÍ Charla con Tracy Tracy a partir del minuto 36 Se lo queríamos decir a una de las "culpables" (Tracy Tracy) y extender ese sentimiento a Paul (PJ Court…
Magnet Magazine [En]: Cuando Morrissey conoce a The Primitives
The Primitives have been invited to guest edit MAGNET this week, so we thought we’d spin right back through memory, as the line from the title track of our new album, Spin-O-Rama, goes (how’s that for a clever bit of crowbarring?), and revisit some music-related experiences from our childhood,…
Ultima Hora Mallorca [Es]: Palma Arena [Interview]
Tracy Tracy: «Ahora las bandas pueden hacerlo todo encerradas en su habitación» THE PRIMITIVES FIRA DEL DISC PALMA CULTURA GUILLERMO ESTEBAN 25-10-2014Probablemente ninguno de sus alumnos a quienes imparte clases particulares de inglés, en Barcelona, sabe que ella lidera un grupo que fue…
Linear Tracking Lives! [En]: Keeping It Peel With Paul Court of the Primitives [Entrevista]
Keeping It Peel With Paul Court of the Primitives Where has the time gone? This weekend marks 10 years since John Peel's turntable stopped spinning. As we are all managing the juxtaposition of sadness and celebration, I have asked Paul Court of the Coventry band the Primitives for his remembra…
Cat On The Wall [Es]: "Spin-O-Rama" [Entrevista]
I’m too young to remember a lot of what made music great.It’s sad, really, isn’t it? That such a phrase can be uttered in a time when, realistically, charting music should be bigger, more vibrant and, above all else, more fun and exciting than ever.Just over twenty five years ago, the vibrant …
La Opinión [Es]: Entrevista Lemon Pop Festival [Murcia, 06-09-2013]