The Primitives 
Fear And Loathing [En]: "New Thrills" Mini-LP 10" [Reseña]
THE PRIMITIVES. New Thrills 10” EP (Elefant)
I have to admit, I didn’t pay much attention to The Primitives first time around. There was a lot of other stuff going on at the time and, well, they seemed to be doing well enough without my attention. I didn’t dislike them but I never got bowled over, either. That being said, when I hear their new material now, which isn’t a million miles away from their original output, I can hear it for the catchy, classy pop music that it really is. First track ‘I’ll Trust The Wind’ is a great dreamy piece of pop, effortlessly worming its’ way into your head, but it’s the next song ‘Squeak’n’Squawk’ that really hits the target, mixing a more psychedelic, garage pop approach with wonderful harmonic vocals. ‘Oh Honey Sweet’ stays with the Sixties tone although with a much more restrained pace and a duet of male / female voices. Final track ‘Same Stuff’ is almost under-stated after the others, but also a perfect way to end the EP on a more thoughtful note. Overall, it isn’t going to change the world, but it will make your day a lot more pleasant!