Elige un año:
Indiepop’d dance partyI’m out of town right now on a whirlwind trip to Chicago and don’t really have the time to write a real post. So here are some videos to keep you entertained until I can sit down and write some of those year-end listy things that people like because they’re so easy to …
Record Review – Guatafan GUATAFÁNChicas de Oro The second release from this Valencian female trio is as sticky sweet as last year’s debut. The title track is an ’80s-inflected slice of bubblegum synthpop, chock full of percolating casios, pounding drum machine…
Guatafán - Chicas de oro (New Adventures In Pop) Guatafán vuelven a aparecer en 'New Adventures In Pop', la colección de singles de vinilo en edición limitada y coloreada que el sello Elefant viene publicando desde hace largo tiempo y en el que ya han participado en anteriores números …
Guatafan is Spanish for Twee!Happy Fiesta Roja! I have discovered that language has made Fiesta Roja very different from last year’s Dutch Week. The bands we covered during Dutch Week sang primarily in English; the bands I’ve been listening to from Spain sing primarily in Spanish. It m…
The Indie Handbook [Gb]: Reseña "Chicas De Oro"
Indiepop’d dance partyI’m out of town right now on a whirlwind trip to Chicago and don’t really have the time to write a real post. So here are some videos to keep you entertained until I can sit down and write some of those year-end listy things that people like because they’re so easy to …
Shindig! Happening! [En]: Reseña Single 7" "Chicas De Oro"
Record Review – Guatafan GUATAFÁNChicas de Oro The second release from this Valencian female trio is as sticky sweet as last year’s debut. The title track is an ’80s-inflected slice of bubblegum synthpop, chock full of percolating casios, pounding drum machine…
Indie-Spain [sp]: Reseña "Chicas De Oro"
Guatafán - Chicas de oro (New Adventures In Pop) Guatafán vuelven a aparecer en 'New Adventures In Pop', la colección de singles de vinilo en edición limitada y coloreada que el sello Elefant viene publicando desde hace largo tiempo y en el que ya han participado en anteriores números …
The Indie Handbook [Uk]: Reseña "Cucurucho"
Guatafan is Spanish for Twee!Happy Fiesta Roja! I have discovered that language has made Fiesta Roja very different from last year’s Dutch Week. The bands we covered during Dutch Week sang primarily in English; the bands I’ve been listening to from Spain sing primarily in Spanish. It m…