Shindig! Happening! [En]: Reseña Single 7" "Chicas De Oro"
Record Review – Guatafan
Chicas de Oro EP
The second release from this Valencian female trio is as sticky sweet as last year’s debut. The title track is an ’80s-inflected slice of bubblegum synthpop, chock full of percolating casios, pounding drum machines, and huggable vocals courtesy María López. Her partners Laura and Cristina add breathy backing support on ‘La Vida Me Sonríe’, which also sounds like you’ve been chained to the wall at the local video game arcade – all bloops, bleeps, and fa-la-las!
Flip this puppy over and the charming dance pop continues with ‘Examen Sorpresa’, within which I’d swear I can hear the musical accompaniment of chiming doorbells and clanging cowbells. They’re nothing if not inventive! ‘Un Día De Verano’ wraps up this perfect pop confection with more bubbles than a soap bath. Recommended to J-pop lovers and fans of everyone from Nikki & The Corvettes and The Primitives to Canadian cult poppers Tuuli and labelmates The School and Helen Love. Jeff Penczak