Cristina Quesada 
Blood Buzze [En]: Spanish Indie 15: suggesting the best national acts
Spanish Indie 15: suggesting the best national acts
Very happy to reintroduce this blog's section, several great Spanish bands discovered recently!
Cristina Quesada. Last proposal comes from an ultra-young musician from the Canary Islands but based in Madrid that, starting at a very young age became a music-lover, as well as a precocious artist -music theory, violin, theater groups, a local tv program- until at 15 she discovered the ukulele. The 7" EP "Pineapple Princess", her only release to date, came out on Elefant Records this summer, leaving us wondering where is this haunting charm coming from. An impossibly sweet voice and her ukulele in six songs covering the Sherman Brothers, Billy Rose and Lee David, the essential indiepop band Family, or Paul Bevoir, Cristina Quesada's music is one to fall in love with and hope for more to come.