Attic Lights 
Shindig! Happening! [En]: Reseña álbum "Super De Luxe"
Super De Luxe Elefant LP/CD
Their major label (Island) debut was lauded as the next coming of The Beach Boys, with R.E.M., Lemonheads, and Fannies comparisons following close behind. They’ve been remixed by fellow Glaswegians Mogwai and Camera Obscura, received an ecstatic reception at 2007’s T in the Park, and even toured with 6Radio’s Cerys Matthews. The future was so bright, they’d put in an extra order for those proverbial shades, and then…nothing. Until now. Five years (and a new label – the ever-so-fab Elefant) later and our powerpop heroes return with their sophomore effort, an endearingly sweet collection of light and airy pop confections that’ll transport you back to the late 70s/early 80s Power Pop heyday.
‘Future Bound’ grabs you by the ears and won’t let go…until ‘Breathe For Me’ taps you on the shoulder to break in on the dance floor. ‘Stay Before You Leave’ stomps and claps it’s way into your life with a catchy guitar riff and heartfelt vocal that’ll melt even the most jaded soul – this’d make a great prom tune for fumbling lovers everywhere! Haven’t heard anything this bubbly and infectious since Difford & Tilbrook returned from songwriter hibernation.
The fun continues with the perky ‘Hit and Miss’ before the downer ballad ‘Lock Me Out’ soils your cheeks with salty tears. I don’t mind the band trying something new to offer a little change of pace, but this is woefully out of place and brings the listening party to a screeching halt. Luckily, the six strings are a-wailing again on the punchy tribute, ‘Orbison’, although three journeys through the song have yet to yield the significance of “the Big O spinning in his grave” lyric that provides the track’s title.
Lengthy hiatuses can turn even the best of intentions sour, with finger pointing and name calling replacing the original excitement of releasing a major label debut as band members attempt to come to grips with why the public didn’t listen to the great reviews and accolades and turn your dreams into the Next Big Thing in this fickle industry we call the music biz. Thankfully, Kev, Colin & Co. have rebounded quite nicely, thank you with one of the year’s power pop gems and quite possibly the most fun listening experience you’ll have all year. And, as Mr. Lydon once queried, “You remember what fun is, don’t you?” If not, pick this up immediately and be prepared to fall in love again. (Jeff Penczak)