
Single releases a new video clip "Fotos"

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“Monologo interior” has reached, on its own merit, the highest spots on the “Best of” lists for 2010 in the majority of the music magazines and specialized media. The San Sebastian duo’s second album is classic and extraordinary, a collection of singular and intimate songs. Their concerts have become an extension of that shocking personality and that unique universe; in fact Rockdelux placed their live show as the second best in the country on their 2010 “Best of” list and they explain: “SINGLE’s concerts are infrequent, but greater in number than they were two years ago. They are also varied, talented and, not only now but starting ages ago, theatrical. Teresa sings better and better all the time and her wardrobe changes…” They concluded with by proclaiming them “A national treasure”. Those wardrobe changes have a proper name, and it is Carlos Díez Díez, one of the most important, radical and alternative fashion designers in our country. Carlos has become, and has been for some time now, a crucial part of the group’s image, and he is also an important protagonist, along with Miguel Gutiérrez, in the group’s new audiovisual adventure, their new video “Fotos”.

Click here to watch the video-clip of "Fotos":


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