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"Playa Biquini" clip review

I watched this video a few weeks ago and it keeps hunting me when I least expect it (and I mean, when I least expect it). Modular is a daring Argentinean band under Spain's Elefant Records, something you’ll recognize in the first 10 seconds of the video. “Playa Biquini” from their album Fantasias de un Robot Psicodelico is freaking addictive, perhaps annoyingly, I don’t know. My encounters with the song on a regular basis are starting to follow me like the keyboard cat follows misfortune. This part cocktail, part bossa nova, and part robotic trip feels like a futuristic concept on getting a tan in the future, all while sounding retro and embracing the science-fiction premise.


Modular [Club fonograma]
picture: Archivo Elefant










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