Elefant Últimas noticias https://elefant.com Wed, 29 Jan 2025 03:44:04 +0100 FeedCreator 1.7.2 ELEFANT: Releases [2025] https://elefant.com/{*noticia}/1410/ELEFANT: Releases [2025] <p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><strong>JANUARY 2025</strong></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">ER-D389 ALPACA SPORTS \"Always On My Mind\" Single Digital (2 Tracks) [8-1-2025]<br />ER-1281PLP BUBBLE TEA AND CIGARETTES \"There&rsquo;s Nothing But Pleasure\" LP (Pink Coloured Vinyl Edition) [10-1-2025]<br />ER-D381 AMOR BUTANO \"Virgen De Las Desamparadas\" Single Digital [15-1-2025]<br />ER-1298 ALPACA SPORTS \"Another Day\" LP [17-1-2025]&nbsp;<br />ER-D393 LISASINSON \"Quiero Que Perdamos La Cabeza (Otra Vez) (David Van Bylen Remix)\" Single Digital [31-1-2025]</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><strong>FEBRUARY 2025<br /></strong>ER-D394 THE PRIMITIVES \"Sweet Sister Sorrow\" Single Digital [7-2-2025]<br />ER-D390 MADDIE MAE \"Medusa\" Single Digital [14-2-2025]&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><strong>MARCH 2025</strong></p><p>ER-1300 THE PRIMITIVES \"Let\'s Go Round Again &bull; Second Wave Singles &amp; Rarities 2011-2025\" Doble-LP [7-3-2025]</p> CRISTINA QUESADA: Telonera de THE PAINS OF BEING PURE AT HEART en su gira de febrero y marzo 2025 https://elefant.com/{*noticia}/1400/CRISTINA QUESADA: Telonera de THE PAINS OF BEING PURE AT HEART en su gira de febrero y marzo 2025 <p><strong>Kip Berman</strong>&nbsp;(cantante, guitarrista y compositor principal de THE PAINS OF BEING PURE AT HEART) ha seleccionado personalmente a <strong>Cristina Quesada</strong> para que sea su telonera en la gira que los traer&aacute; a tierras ib&eacute;ricas a principios de 2025.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Aqu&iacute; va el calendario e itinerario de ese tour: el <strong>19 de febrero</strong>&nbsp;en&nbsp;<strong>Oporto</strong>&nbsp;(<strong>Mouco</strong>, dentro del ciclo&nbsp;<strong>SON Estrella Galicia</strong>), el <strong>20</strong>&nbsp;en&nbsp;<strong>A Coru&ntilde;a</strong>&nbsp;(<strong>Garufa Club</strong>, dentro del ciclo&nbsp;<strong>SON Estrella Galicia</strong>), el&nbsp;<strong>21</strong>&nbsp;en&nbsp;<strong>Oviedo</strong>&nbsp;(<strong>Almacenes</strong>), el&nbsp;<strong>22</strong>&nbsp;en&nbsp;<strong>Tarragona</strong>&nbsp;(<strong>Sala</strong>&nbsp;<strong>Zero</strong>), el&nbsp;<strong>23</strong>&nbsp;en&nbsp;<strong>Madrid</strong>&nbsp;(<strong>Lula Club</strong>, dentro del ciclo&nbsp;<strong>Jaguar</strong>), el<strong>&nbsp;24&nbsp;</strong>en&nbsp;<strong>Sevilla</strong>&nbsp;(<strong>Sala X</strong>), el&nbsp;<strong>26</strong>&nbsp;en&nbsp;<strong>Murcia</strong>&nbsp;(<strong>Sala REM</strong>), el&nbsp;<strong>27</strong>&nbsp;en&nbsp;<strong>Val&egrave;ncia</strong>&nbsp;(<strong>16 Toneladas</strong>), el&nbsp;<strong>28</strong>&nbsp;en&nbsp;<strong>Barcelona</strong>&nbsp;(<strong>Razzmatazz 2</strong>), el&nbsp;<strong>1 de marzo</strong>&nbsp;en&nbsp;<strong>Zaragoza</strong>&nbsp;(<strong>Las Armas</strong>, dentro del ciclo&nbsp;<strong>SON Estrella Galicia</strong>) y el&nbsp;<strong>2&nbsp;</strong>en&nbsp;<strong>San Sebasti&aacute;n</strong>&nbsp;(<strong>Dabadaba</strong>).</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Quesada</strong>, que ya cuenta con tres &aacute;lbumes a su nombre &ndash;<strong>&ldquo;You Are The One&rdquo;</strong>&nbsp;(2015),&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;Think I Heard A Rumour&rdquo;</strong> (2019) y <strong>&ldquo;Dentro al tuo sogno&rdquo;</strong>&nbsp;(2022)-, as&iacute; como tambi&eacute;n con otros tantos EPs -<strong>&ldquo;Pineapple Princess&rdquo;</strong>&nbsp;(2013),&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;Hero&rdquo;</strong>&nbsp;(2019) y&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;Per te e per me&rdquo;&nbsp;</strong>(2022)- , siempre ligada a <strong>Elefant Records</strong>, factura un pop que funde con la chanson y el eurodisco (con querencia por Italia y Francia), con el<strong> j-pop</strong>, el pop de los 60, el C-86 y las canciones que su hermana mayor, <strong>Dara</strong>, le hizo conocer de nombres como <strong>Los Flechazos</strong>, <strong>Los Fresones Rebeldes</strong> o <strong>La Casa Azul</strong>. No se prodiga mucho en directo, pero ha recorrido medio mundo con su deliciosa voz y sus maravillosas canciones, no falt&oacute; en muchas de las a&ntilde;oradas fiestas de &ldquo;Flor de Pasi&oacute;n&rdquo;, el programa de radio 3 de <strong>Juan de Pablos</strong>, particip&oacute; en festivales como el Wales Goes Pop! en Cardiff (Gales), Festival Indietracks en Derbyshire (Inglaterra), NYC Popfest (Nueva York), en Paris, una mini gira por Jap&oacute;n y varios conciertos por Espa&ntilde;a.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Por otra parte, os recordamos que el tour de febrero y marzo de&nbsp;<strong>The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart</strong>les va a servir para conmemorar el&nbsp;<strong>15&ordm; aniversario de su disco de debut</strong>. No giraban juntos con su primera y recordada alineaci&oacute;n desde que en 2012 acabaron el tour de su segundo disco,&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;Belong&rdquo;</strong>&nbsp;<strong>(2011)</strong>. Despu&eacute;s siguieron grabando y girando, pero con otros componentes y varios cambios en su formaci&oacute;n, hasta que se anunci&oacute; su disoluci&oacute;n oficial en 2019. As&iacute; que en este tour de principios del a&ntilde;o que viene subir&aacute;n al escenario&nbsp;<strong>Kip Berman</strong>&nbsp;(cantante, guitarrista y compositor principal),&nbsp;<strong>Peggy Wang</strong>&nbsp;(teclista),&nbsp;<strong>Christoph Hochheim</strong>&nbsp;(guitarra) y&nbsp;<strong>Kurt Feldman</strong>&nbsp;(bater&iacute;a). No ha podido unirse a la cita&nbsp;<strong>Alex Naidus</strong>&nbsp;(<em>&ldquo;por estar atendiendo muy buenas cuestiones personales&rdquo;</em>, ha dicho&nbsp;<strong>Berman</strong>), as&iacute; que del bajo se ocupar&aacute;&nbsp;<strong>Eddy Marshal</strong>l, quien tambi&eacute;n se encarga de ese instrumento en&nbsp;<strong>The Natvral</strong>, el proyecto que Kip lidera desde hace cinco a&ntilde;os.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><em>&ldquo;Tocaremos entero nuestro primer disco y tambi&eacute;n algunas canciones de aquella &eacute;poca. Gracias a todos los que han hecho esto posible. Es m&aacute;s que impresionante que haya gente que todav&iacute;a se acuerda tanto de ese disco y quiero vernos tocarlo. No s&eacute; si haremos m&aacute;s veces esto en el futuro. Pero por ahora estamos encantados de tener esta oportunidad de poder volver a interpretar juntos estas canciones que, bastante literalmente, cambiaron nuestras vidas&rdquo;</em>, ha comentado&nbsp;<strong>Berman</strong>.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart</strong>&nbsp;comenzaron su singladura all&aacute; por 2007. Compart&iacute;an admiraci&oacute;n por bandas como&nbsp;<strong>Smashing Pumpkins</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>The Field Mice</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>Black Tambourine</strong>&nbsp;y&nbsp;<strong>Nirvana</strong>, y supieron hacer pasar todo eso por un cedazo que los llev&oacute; a triunfar, dentro y fuera de su pa&iacute;s, teniendo como br&uacute;jula a&nbsp;<strong>The Jesus And Mary Chain</strong>&nbsp;o&nbsp;<strong>My Bloody Valentine</strong>, pero sin olvidarse de&nbsp;<strong>The Smiths</strong>. Composiciones rom&aacute;nticas con fuzz guitarrero algo neur&oacute;tico y melod&iacute;as con mucha resonancia emocional. Noise-pop que enganchaba, fresco, que no ocultaba sus limitaciones porque as&iacute; no escond&iacute;a su gran bandera, la de la juventud.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Primero llamaron la atenci&oacute;n en&nbsp;<strong>MySpace</strong>&nbsp;(s&iacute;, hablamos de esos tiempos) y con su primer EP, de 2007 y autoeditado, pero cuando en 2009 sali&oacute; su hom&oacute;nimo LP de debut en el sello&nbsp;<strong>Slumberland Records</strong>, canciones como&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;Contender&rdquo;</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;Come Saturday&rdquo;</strong>&nbsp;y&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;This Love Is Fucking Right&rdquo;</strong>&nbsp;volaron ya bien alto, con rese&ntilde;as en webs como&nbsp;<strong>Pitchfork</strong>&nbsp;y&nbsp;<strong>Stereogum</strong>&nbsp;remachando la jugada. El segundo disco, el al principio mencionado&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;Belong&rdquo;</strong>, a&uacute;n hizo m&aacute;s grande y alta su ola. Fue en marzo de aquel 2011 donde, si no nos falla la memoria, dieron nada menos que once conciertos en el&nbsp;<strong>South By Southwest</strong>&nbsp;de&nbsp;<strong>Austin</strong>. Igual alguno m&aacute;s. Ah&iacute; ya hab&iacute;an reclutado a&nbsp;<strong>Kurt Feldman</strong>&nbsp;como bater&iacute;a. Fue su&nbsp;<em>dream team</em>. Llegaron al&nbsp;<strong># 92 en Billboard 200</strong>&nbsp;y tambi&eacute;n fueron&nbsp;<strong>Top 100</strong>&nbsp;en pa&iacute;ses como&nbsp;<strong>B&eacute;lgica</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>Francia</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>Reino Unido</strong>&hellip; y&nbsp;<strong>Espa&ntilde;a</strong>. Pero para cuando se alz&oacute; el tel&oacute;n de su tercer &aacute;lbum,&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;Days Of Abandon&rdquo;</strong>&nbsp;(2014),&nbsp;<strong>Peggy Wang</strong>&nbsp;y&nbsp;<strong>Alex Naidus</strong>&nbsp;hab&iacute;an dejado de formar parte de la formaci&oacute;n. Con una influencia creciente de la nueva ola y el pop ochenteros, siguieron publicando trabajos -l&eacute;ase los discos&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;The Echo Of Pleasure&rdquo;</strong>&nbsp;(2017) y una versi&oacute;n al completo del &aacute;lbum de&nbsp;<strong>Tom Petty &ldquo;Full Moon Ferver&rdquo;</strong>&nbsp;en 2019, as&iacute; como un par de EPS-, con diferentes m&uacute;sicos acompa&ntilde;ando tanto en el estudio como en el escenario a&nbsp;<strong>Kip Berman</strong>, que se qued&oacute; al tim&oacute;n como &uacute;nico capit&aacute;n del barco&nbsp;Y en noviembre de 2019&nbsp;<strong>Berman</strong>&nbsp;anunci&oacute; el fin de&nbsp;<strong>The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart</strong>, con &eacute;l iniciando a partir de ah&iacute; un nuevo proyecto en solitario,&nbsp;<strong>The Natvral</strong>.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><a href=\"https://houstonpartymusic.com/news/2972/cristina-quesada-telonera-de-the-pains-of-being-pure-at-heart-en-su-gira-de-febrero-y-marzo/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">ENTRADAS Y TICKETS AQU&Iacute;</a></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><img src=\"/images/foto/2021-cristina-quesada-verde-dara-quesada-03.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"607\" height=\"809\" /></p> THE PRIMITIVES &quot;Sweet Sister Sorrow&quot; Single Digital https://elefant.com/{*noticia}/1417/THE PRIMITIVES &quot;Sweet Sister Sorrow&quot; Single Digital <p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">A lot of people think that THE PRIMITIVES&rsquo; trajectory is limited to two albums since 2011, when that Single on Fortuna Pop! brought them back to musical activity. But <strong>Tracy Tracy</strong>&rsquo;s band, making the most of their indie spirit, has been constantly releasing songs on different labels and for different projects that they are always willing to inspire and take part in. The proof will be a new double (!!) vinyl of singles and rarities called &ldquo;Let\'s Go Round Again &bull; Second Wave Singles &amp; Rarities 2011-2025&rdquo;. It is a real gem for everyone who follows their releases, and a really complete piece of work for those fans of the contagious music of the authors of &ldquo;Crash&rdquo;.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">As an advance, we a bringing you a new and previously unreleased song. Well, technically, two. &ldquo;Sweet Sister Sorrow&rdquo; is a previously unreleased track that we have two very different versions of. The original, which shows off their extremely catchy and more electric side, with that pop spirit overflowing out of every &ldquo;do do do do dooo&rdquo; that <strong>Tracy Tracy </strong>sings. It&rsquo;s delicious. And the second is more acoustic, precious, and introspective, giving a different feeling to those lines like <em>&ldquo;She knows all the hurt in your heart&rdquo;</em>, defined by the subtitle &ldquo;Symphonic Dream Pop Version&rdquo; and those exciting orchestral arrangements. The same song taking you to two totally different places, and both are absolutely marvelous.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Obviously we couldn&rsquo;t not do a music video for each of the versions, and this responsibility couldn&rsquo;t fall in better hands: <strong>Pooley</strong>, from Woom Studio, who has also been behind for those incredible music videos that the creativity just pours out off for LE SUPERHOMARD, <strong>Giorgio Tuma</strong>, FITNESS FOREVER, A GIRL CALLED EDDY, LINDA GUILALA, <strong>Cristina Quesada</strong> and JULIE ET JOE, gives each version a different approach: the first is more colorful, the second plays with greys; both have Victorian and baroque themes. These are two new delicacies that play constantly with textures, changes of axis and unusually framed shots.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Get ready &ndash; twenty-eight incredible songs by THE PRIMITIVES are coming soon on a Double-LP.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><br /><br /></span></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">TRACKLIST: 01 Sweet Sister Sorrow &nbsp;02 Sweet Sister Sorrow (Symphonic Dream Pop Version)</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><a href=\"https://links.altafonte.com/the-primitives_sweet-sister-sorrow\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\"><img src=\"/uploads//tiny/SMART.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"607\" height=\"282\" /></a></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><iframe title=\"YouTube video player\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/8m_tn_Cdnzw?si=sje3kZCre_KcPymO\" width=\"607\" height=\"375\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\" data-mce-fragment=\"1\"></iframe></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><iframe title=\"YouTube video player\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/zbDDqhUpLEM?si=__Om1aPDpa430QQN\" width=\"607\" height=\"375\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\" data-mce-fragment=\"1\"></iframe></p> LISASINSON &quot;Quiero Que Perdamos La Cabeza (Otra Vez) (David Van Bylen Remix)&quot; ... https://elefant.com/{*noticia}/1414/LISASINSON &quot;Quiero Que Perdamos La Cabeza (Otra Vez) (David Van Bylen Remix)&quot; Single Digital <p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Another stage in LISASINSON&rsquo;s career is closing and we are starting 2025 with a new year of changes. The infinite cycle. But there are ways to do things and then there are ways, and LISASINSON put their all into everything they do and into this remix of their latest hit, &ldquo;Quiero Que Perdamos La Cabeza (Otra Vez)&rdquo;, at the hands of <strong>David Van Bylen</strong>. One of the top remixers on the national indie scene, &ldquo;the man who turned national indie music into dance music&rdquo;, makes the song his own with this smash hit and mixes it all up to blow up the dance floor with a rush, an irresistible hit.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">There is no doubt that this man from Mallorca living in Santander is at the top of his game. He has played in clubs and at festivals all over Spain: Bilbao BBK Live, Sonorama, Low Festival, Arenal Sound, Warm Up, Ebrovisi&oacute;n, Polifonik Sound and a long list of etceteras. He has remixed groups like DORIAN, SECOND, ZAHARA and RUSSIAN RED, to name just a few. He is a producer and has participated in multiple movie soundtracks, with a special mention for his collaboration on &ldquo;Combusti&oacute;n&rdquo; by <strong>Daniel Calparsoro</strong>.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">So, get ready to dance to this incredible song on every dance floor it plays on. And, of course, as a highlight of LISASINSON concerts.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In the meantime, LISASINSON are very excited to be working on the songs that will be on their new album, which we have already heard the first three advance singles from, and which is looking like it&rsquo;s going to be full of surprises.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><a href=\"https://links.altafonte.com/lisasinson_quiero-que-perdamos-la-cabeza-remix\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\"><img src=\"/uploads//tiny/SMART.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"607\" height=\"282\" /></a></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><iframe title=\"YouTube video player\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/CtsshWoMVt0?si=JdFmseJ8KaEheW8Y\" width=\"607\" height=\"375\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\"></iframe></p> ALPACA SPORTS &quot;Another Day&quot; LP https://elefant.com/{*noticia}/1413/ALPACA SPORTS &quot;Another Day&quot; LP <p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">So much has happened since ALPACA SPORTS released &ldquo;From Paris With Love&rdquo; in 2018. There have been new cities to live in, new chapters in their lives, health problems and loved ones lost. All of these circumstances have led, almost unintentionally, to &ldquo;Another Day&rdquo;, their conceptual new album about what change brings. The songs celebrate the few spare moments of calm and contemplation when we find ourselves in the midst of an immense shift. They dwell in the hazy spaces and golden hours when the day turns into night, when summer becomes fall, and all the other in-betweens in our lives that are full of fears, doubts, hopes and dreams. This kind of fragile and heartbreaking beauty, that is so surprisingly powerful at the same time, is what we get from the group formed by <strong>Andreas Jonsson</strong>, <strong>Amanda &Aring;kerman</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>Lisle Mitnik</strong>&nbsp;(TINY FIREFLIES, FIREFLIES, VERY TRULY YOURS...).</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">It\'s not that the group stopped working after their last release, but the changes they experienced did affect in some way the songs that <strong>Andreas</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>Lisle</strong>&nbsp;had been working on, and caused a bunch of unexpected mutations, which made this full length take a lot longer than expected to complete. <strong>Ian Catt</strong>&nbsp;himself (ANOTHER SUNNY DAY, THE FIELD MICE, SAINT ETIENNE, TREMBLING BLUE STARS, SHAMPOO...) took advantage of this situation to challenge the group to take their music to new levels, pushing their most danceable facet (&ldquo;Always On My Mind&rdquo;, &ldquo;Slipping Through My Fingertips&rdquo;) or perfecting even more (if it&rsquo;s even possible) their vocal arrangements (&ldquo;Tonight&rdquo;, &ldquo;Break My Heart&rdquo;). The band maintains their incredible ability to make us smile while they talk about bitter things (&ldquo;Tomorrow I&rsquo;ll Be Fine&rdquo;, &ldquo;Waiting For The Right Time&rdquo;), but they also talk about those small, beautiful details that ultimately turn into something tremendously beautiful (&ldquo;If Tomorrow Comes&rdquo; and &ldquo;Autograph&rdquo;).</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Once again, <strong>Ray Kimura</strong>&nbsp;is in charge of creating the album&rsquo;s visuals, and there are also live drums from <strong>Hampus &Ouml;hman-Fr&ouml;lund</strong>&nbsp;(which was recorded again in New York&nbsp;by <strong>Gary Olson</strong>, of THE LADYBUG TRANSISTOR), stellar vocal harmony collaborations from <strong>Cristina Quesada</strong>, and the precious participation of <strong>Georgie</strong>, <strong>Ian Catt</strong>&rsquo;sdaughter<strong>,</strong>&nbsp;on the choruses of &ldquo;If Tomorrow Comes&rdquo;.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&ldquo;Another Day&rdquo;, which is being released as a limited-edition, transparent vinyl, will probably be the most existential, intimate and exciting album in ALPACA SPORTS&rsquo; trajectory, which is saying quite a lot. Enjoy it in every possible aspect &ndash; they triumph in every single one.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">TRACKLIST: 01 Tomorrow I\'ll Be Fine &nbsp;02 Always On My Mind &nbsp;03 Tell Me &nbsp;04 Autograph &nbsp;05 Bluebells &nbsp;06 Slipping Through My Fingertips 07 Break My Heart &nbsp;08 Tonight &nbsp;09 Waiting For The Right Time &nbsp;10 If Tomorrow Comes</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><img src=\"/uploads//tiny/0037741244_10.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"607\" height=\"607\" /></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><a href=\"https://links.altafonte.com/alpaca-sports_another-day\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\"><img src=\"/uploads//tiny/SMART.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"607\" height=\"282\" /></a></p> MADDIE MAE in &quot;Culpa Tuya&quot; film https://elefant.com/{*noticia}/1416/MADDIE MAE in &quot;Culpa Tuya&quot; film <p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">This past December 27th, Amazon Prime released &ldquo;Culpa Tuya&rdquo;, the second part of the trilogy based on the novels by <strong>Mercedes Ron</strong>&nbsp;and directed by <strong>Domingo Gonz&aacute;lez</strong>. The first part surprised everyone by reaching number 1 worldwide on Amazon Prime, and the premiere of this second part, which took place on December 18th, was one of the events of the year. The premiere made it possible for six thousand people to see the film before anyone else, and the event was a massive hit. All the fandom developing these past few months mobilized because they wanted to be the first to see &ldquo;Culpa Tuya&rdquo; and this brought people from all ends of the earth together in the crazed crowd at Palacio Vistalegre (Madrid), where the screening took place.&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Here at Elefant, we have a small role in this new movie thanks to our artists. First, <strong>Maddie Mae</strong>. Our beloved singer&rsquo;s music appears in two different moments in the movie. At the beginning, when <strong>Noah</strong>&nbsp;(played by&nbsp;<strong>Nicole Wallace</strong>) is in the pool and we can see she&rsquo;s enjoying &ldquo;Polaroid Love&rdquo; on her phone, and again later when Nick (<strong>Gabriel Vergara</strong>) tries to surprise her with a romantic dinner that includes an exclusive performance by <strong>Maddie </strong>herself. Yes &ndash; <strong>Maddie</strong>&nbsp;is actually in the film, playing herself!</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Second, a few days ago we gave you <strong>Sole&aacute; Morente</strong>&rsquo;s new advance &ldquo;Con Los Nudillos&rdquo;, produced by <strong>Guille Milkyway</strong>&nbsp;(LA CASA AZUL) and which will be included on that highly anticipated and very special album they are working on together. It is an exercise in intense flamenco passion, cynicism, and pop sophistication set to a rumba beat. In &ldquo;Culpa Tuya&rdquo; there&rsquo;s a moment when this song takes center stage, at <strong>Nick</strong>&rsquo;s father&rsquo;s company&rsquo;s 50th anniversary party.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">To top it all off, just like in the first part, <strong>Adriana Ubani</strong>, half of our beloved PIPIOLAS, is in the movie again, this time playing <strong>Nick</strong>&rsquo;s ex-girlfriend, who organizes clandestine races.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In just a few months the final piece of the trilogy, &ldquo;Culpa Nuestra&rdquo;, will be out. Stay tuned!</p> AMOR BUTANO &quot;Virgen De Las Desamparadas&quot; Single Digital https://elefant.com/{*noticia}/1406/AMOR BUTANO &quot;Virgen De Las Desamparadas&quot; Single Digital <p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">If there is one thing that we have gotten used to with AMOR BUTANO up to now it has been the unstoppable frequency they have given us highly danceable hits with. But you\'re not ready for this. As an advance for their upcoming EP &ldquo;Abierta Hasta El Amanecer&rdquo;, they\'re bringing us &ldquo;Virgen DeLas Desamparadas&rdquo;. Once again, the dance floor is on fire (to the beat of bachata!)! This new song from theValencian group is a Latin hit (that includes guitars by <strong>Asier Bengoetxea</strong> from ETERNA JUVENTUT), an ode to spite and falling out of love, full of irony and pain, in the best tradition of Caribbean rhythms. The abandon, the feeling of what we thought was the center of the universe shifting to the periphery to the point of feeling likeyou\'re in free fall. Accepting you\'re in the deepest part of the abyss. And just then a dormant hope lights up. Will this macabre bachata be able to revive us? Will we get Santa Teresa to intervene on behalf of our wretched soul? This is intensified in the music video (directed again by <strong>Javier Artigas</strong> and with the stellar collaboration of <strong>S&iacute;lvia Tar&iacute;n</strong> and <strong>Roc&iacute;o Broseta</strong>, or in other words, the bosses of the podcast &ldquo;Casquer&iacute;a Fina&rdquo;), a &ldquo;Pop Bible&rdquo;, full of religious references and a tremendous sense of humor, and where finally, as it has to be, hope prevails.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">We love surprises. We love the feeling that so many great things are still to come even more. And if it catches us dancing, even better. We can\'t wait!</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">TRACKLIST: 01 Virgen De Las Desamparadas</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><a href=\"https://links.altafonte.com/amor-butano_virgen-de-las-desamparadas\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\"><img src=\"/uploads//tiny/SMART.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"607\" height=\"282\" /></a></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><iframe title=\"YouTube video player\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/REW59uhml6s?si=6jLRs_LkCP987q81\" width=\"607\" height=\"375\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\"></iframe></p> BUBBLE TEA AND CIGARETTES &quot;There’s Nothing But Pleasure&quot; LP (Pink Coloured ... https://elefant.com/{*noticia}/1412/BUBBLE TEA AND CIGARETTES &quot;There’s Nothing But Pleasure&quot; LP (Pink Coloured Vinyl Edition) <p>Taking advantage of the release of &ldquo;we should\'ve killed each other&rdquo;, we are reissuing on pink coloured vinyl the first album by BUBBLE TEA AND CIGARETTES. An opportunity to get an album whose first edition is already out of print and enjoy the magic of the slow tempos, the mellow and evocative melodies, and hazy ambiance full of reverb &ndash; everything you need in a good dream pop song is here.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><img src=\"/uploads//tiny/0037949228_10.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"607\" height=\"607\" /></p> ALPACA SPORTS &quot;Always On My Mind&quot; Digital Single https://elefant.com/{*noticia}/1411/ALPACA SPORTS &quot;Always On My Mind&quot; Digital Single <p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">After the advance singles &ldquo;Tomorrow I&rsquo;ll Be Fine&rdquo; and &ldquo;Autograph&rdquo;, it&rsquo;s now time for &ldquo;Always On My Mind&rdquo;, which will be the third advance single from &ldquo;Another Day&rdquo;, the new ALPACA SPORTS album. If the first single reflected the jangle and twee-pop spirit of <strong>Andreas</strong>, <strong>Amanda&nbsp;</strong>and&nbsp;<strong>Lisle</strong>&rsquo;s group, and the second showed their more beautiful and delicate side, supporting their favorite football team with unconditional love, this third single, driven by the production work of <strong>Ian Catt</strong>&nbsp;(ANOTHER SUNNY DAY, THE FIELD MICE, SAINT ETIENNE, TREMBLING BLUE STARS, SHAMPOO...)&nbsp;brings us in a surprisingly danceable direction, with echoes of NEW ORDER, SAINT ETIENNE, DUBSTAR, EVEN AS WE SPEAK and CLUB 8. Immensely beautiful euro-disco and synth-pop are intermixed with that vocal play which is so emblematic of ALPACA SPORTS&rsquo;s discography. This current release also includes an extra track that won&rsquo;t be included on the album, &ldquo;No Place I&rsquo;d Rather Be&rdquo;. The B-side shows a more controlled and organic side and is also the perfect complement for a single that aims to illuminate the darkest of days, because if there&rsquo;s one thing that <strong>Andreas</strong>, <strong>Amanda&nbsp;</strong>and&nbsp;<strong>Lisle</strong> are experts at, it&rsquo;s bringing us the brightest lights in the form of sound. And of course, the fitting, colorful cover couldn&rsquo;t be by anyone other than <strong>Ray Kimura</strong>. We don&rsquo;t have to wait much longer to enjoy &ldquo;Another Day&rdquo; in its entirety.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">The spectacular music video is directed by the fantastic <strong>Jonas B&ouml;rjesson</strong> and filmed during sunsets at different beaches and locations in the Swedish town Halmstad. A unique summer postcard captured with a Super 8 camera.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><strong>TRACKLIST: 01</strong> Always On My Mind&nbsp; <strong>02</strong> No Place I\'d Rather Be</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><a href=\"https://links.altafonte.com/alpaca-sports_always-on-my-mind\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\"><img src=\"/uploads//tiny/SMART.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"607\" height=\"282\" /></a></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><iframe title=\"YouTube video player\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/Dl5xyX7KWR0?si=JXltUxeOukrbp6CK\" width=\"607\" height=\"375\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\"></iframe></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p> ELEFANT: Releases [2024] https://elefant.com/{*noticia}/1351/ELEFANT: Releases [2024] <h2>ELEFANT: Releases [2024]</h2><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>JANUARY 2024<br /></strong>ER-D353 PIPIOLAS (Feat. RIGOBERTA BANDINI) \"La Ni&ntilde;a Bonita\" Single Digital [12-1-2024]<br />ER-D354 LISASINSON &ldquo;Mira Chico\" Single Digital [17-1-2024]<br />ER-D357 INTERROGACI&Oacute;N AMOR &ldquo;Sin ti no soy nada\" Single Digital [19-1-2024]<br />ER-D359 SUNLIT \"Back\" Single Digital [24-1-2024]<br />ER-D358 AMOR BUTANO \"M&aacute;gica\" Single Digital [26-1-2024]</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>FEBRUARY 2024<br /></strong>ER-D360 SUNLIT \"Someone So Beautiful\" Single Digital [16-2-2024]<strong><br /></strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong><span lang=\"EN-US\">MARCH 2024<br /></span></strong><span lang=\"EN-US\">ER-D361 SUNLIT \"Don\'t Cry Tonight\" Single Digital [1-3-24]<br /></span><span lang=\"EN-US\">ER-D362 MARINITA PRECARIA &ldquo;Momento Decisivo\" Single Digital [5-3-2024]<br /></span>ER-1291 SUNLIT \"Sunlit\" &Aacute;lbum Digital [8-3-2024]<br /><br /></p><p><strong><span lang=\"EN-US\">APRIL 2024<br /></span></strong><span lang=\"EN-US\">ER-D365 AXOLOTES MEXICANOS \"Himawari\" Single Digital [5-4-2024]<br /></span><span lang=\"EN-US\">ER-D364 SOLE&Aacute; MORENTE \"Mi Vida Es Para M&iacute;\" Single Digital [10-4-2024]<br />ER-D366 LISASINSON \"Salgo A La Calle\" Single Digital [12-4-2024]<br />ER-D367 PIPIOLAS (Feat. KIKO VENENO) \"Llorarme\" Single Digital [19-4-2024]<br /></span><span lang=\"EN-US\">ER-D368 AXOLOTES MEXICANOS (Feat. AIKO EL GRUPO) \"ROSAS y ESPINAS\" Single Digital [26-4-2024]</span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>MAY 2024<br /></strong>ER-1293 AXOLOTES MEXICANOS \"4ever\" LP / CD&nbsp; [3-5-2024]<br />ER-D369 LABORDE \"No Vull\" Single Digital [10-5-2024]<br />ER-D370 AMOR BUTANO \"Te Noto Cambiada\" Single Digital (4 Temas) [17-5-2024]<br />ER-D371 LISASINSON \"Decid&iacute; Desaparecer\" Single Digital [29-5-2024]<br />ER-1291 SUNLIT \"Sunlit\" LP [31-5-2024]</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>JUNE 2024</strong></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">ER-1189SLP THE PRIMITIVES \"Spin-O-Rama\" Reissue [21-6-2024]<br />ER-1107LP LA CASA AZUL \"Tan Simple Como El Amor\" Reissue \"[28-6-2024]<br />ER-1119LP LA CASA AZUL &nbsp;\"El Sonido Efervescente de La Casa Azul\" Reissue \"[28-6-2024]</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><strong>JULY 2024</strong></p><p>ER-1195LP AXOLOTES MEXICANOS \"Holi &lt;3\"<span class=\"Apple-converted-space\"> Reedici&oacute;n </span>[5-7-2024]<br />ER-1229LP AXOLOTES MEXICANOS \"Salu2\" <span class=\"Apple-converted-space\">Reedici&oacute;n </span>[5-7-2024]<br />ER-D372 AMOR BUTANO \"Apocalipsis\" Single Digital [12-7-2024]<br />ER-D373 MARINITA PRECARIA &ldquo;Fantasmas\" Single Digital [19-7-2024]</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><strong>SEPTEMBER 2024</strong></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">ER-D375 MARINITA PRECARIA \"Gente Normal\" Single Digital [6-9-2024]&nbsp;<br />ER-D376 NOS MIRAN \"La Torre\" Single Digital [11-9-2024]<br />ER-1296 VARIOUS \"Viernes 13 (una colecci&oacute;n de historias de terror, misterio, ciencia ficci&oacute;n, monstruosidades y fen&oacute;menos paranormales)\" &Aacute;lbum Digital [13-9-2024]<br />ER-D377 LIA PAMINA \"Love Lies, Ya No Quiero So&ntilde;ar\" Single Digital [18-9-2024]<br />ER-D378 FITNESS FOREVER (Feat. CALCUTTA) \"A Vele Spiegate\" Single Digital [20-9-2024]&nbsp;<br />ER-D374 SOLE&Aacute; MORENTE y LA CASA AZUL &ldquo;Ahora O Nunca&rdquo; Single Digital [24-9-2024]<br />ER-1294 MARINITA PRECARIA \"Un Vaso De Agua\" LP [27-9-2024]<br /><br /></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><strong>OCTOBER 2024</strong></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">ER-D379 ALPACA SPORTS \"Tomorrow I&rsquo;ll Be Fine\" Single Digital [4-10-2024]<br />ER-D382 FITNESS FOREVER (Feat. PEPPINO DI CAPRI) \"Ischia\" Single Digital [9-10-2024]<br />ER-D383 NOS MIRAN \"La Chica Que Curaba Textos\" Single Digital [16-10-2024]<br />ER-D386 FITNESS FOREVER \"L\'amour\" Single Digital [23-10-2024]<br />ER-1286 NOS MIRAN \"Siempre Igual\" &Aacute;lbum Digital [25-10-2024]<br />ER-D388 LISASINSON \"Quiero Que Perdamos La Cabeza (Otra Vez)\" Single Digital [31-10-2024]</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><strong>NOVEMBER 2024</strong></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">ER-D384 IBON ERRAZKIN \"Nubes/Lamento\" Single Digital [6-11-2024]&nbsp;<br />ER-1295 FITNESS FOREVER \"Amore E Salute\" LP [8-11-2024]&nbsp;<br />ER-D391 ALPACA SPORTS \"Autograph\" Single Digital <span lang=\"EN-US\">[12-11-2024]<br /></span>ER-D385 IBON ERRAZKIN \"La V&iacute;a L&aacute;ctea\" Single Digital [13-11-2024]<br />ER-D387 IBON ERRAZKIN \"El R&iacute;o/Olas\" Single Digital [20-11-2024]<br />ER-D392 PAPA TOPO (Feat. Juliana Gattas) \"Me Voy A Desenamorar De Ti\" Single Digital [26-11-2024]<br />ER-1297 IBON ERRAZKIN \"Claros Del Bosque\" LP [29-11-2024]</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><strong>DECEMBER 2024</strong></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">ER-D390 SOLE&Aacute; MORENTE \"Con Los Nudillos\" Single Digital [20-12-2024]</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p> SOLEÁ MORENTE &quot;Con Los Nudillos&quot; Digital Single https://elefant.com/{*noticia}/1409/SOLEÁ MORENTE &quot;Con Los Nudillos&quot; Digital Single <p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">We are still getting more advances from what will be the new album that <strong>Sole&aacute; Morente&nbsp;</strong>is making with <strong>Guille Milkyway</strong>&nbsp;(LA CASA AZUL) and &ldquo;Con Los Nudillos&rdquo; makes it clear once again that <strong>Guille&nbsp;</strong>and&nbsp;<strong>Sole&aacute;&nbsp;</strong>come together with a special, unique chemistry. This new song is a rumba that has a bit of each artist, like <strong>Sole&aacute;</strong>&rsquo;s flamenco skills and breathtaking sensitivity, and <strong>Guille</strong>&rsquo;s sophisticated pop. The collaboration traces new lines forward in Spanish-rooted music, with bold, clever lyrics that are a total declaration of intentions. That line that marks the bridge of the song that says something like, <em>&ldquo;Esto ser&aacute; como Kill Bill&rdquo; (This is going to be like Kill Bill)</em> totally knocks us out. It is a futuristic, refreshing rumba that restores us like a fresh glass of water in summer.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">What&rsquo;s more, &ldquo;Con Los Nudillos&rdquo; is going to be included on the soundtrack of the upcoming Amazon movie &ldquo;Your Fault&rdquo;, the second part of &ldquo;My Fault&rdquo;, and a part of the trilogy that will close with &ldquo;Our Fault&rdquo;, all directed by <strong>Domingo Gonz&aacute;lez</strong>, the director of the first LA CASA AZUL music videos and the artifact of that group of 5 teenagers who brought the group to life.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">This new <strong>Sole&aacute;</strong> album looks like it&rsquo;s going to be a fun one!</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><strong>TRACKLIST: 01</strong> Con Los Nudillos</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><a href=\"https://links.altafonte.com/solea-morente_con-los-nudillos\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\"><img src=\"/uploads//tiny/SMART.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"607\" height=\"282\" /></a></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><iframe title=\"YouTube video player\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/Bsncfr3YoFo?si=mAcGkpQTTyPbQuyE\" width=\"607\" height=\"375\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\"></iframe></p> IBON ERRAZKIN &quot;Claros Del Bosque&quot; LP https://elefant.com/{*noticia}/1403/IBON ERRAZKIN &quot;Claros Del Bosque&quot; LP <p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In music, there are composers and there are creators. The difference is that the latter don&rsquo;t only produce new work but also have the ability to give a special, personal aura to everything they touch. <strong>Ibon Errazkin</strong>&nbsp;does this on every one of his solo albums. He did it as well with his groups, all of which are a fundamental part of Spanish pop history: AVENTURAS DE KIRLIAN, LE MANS and SINGLE. It doesn&rsquo;t stop there; he has also done this with his production work, with <strong>Carlos Berlanga</strong>&nbsp;(&ldquo;Impermeable&rdquo;),<strong>&nbsp;Ana D</strong>&nbsp;(&ldquo;Sat&eacute;lite 99&rdquo;) and NOSOTR&Auml;SH (&ldquo;Popemas&rdquo;).</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">He is an inventor without limits, capable of getting the most out of the pitch and frequency of even the most solitary note, and of breaking down barriers with inexplicable cleverness and phrasing. That&rsquo;s why the publication of his new album is something to be celebrated, the certainty that we are once again going to enjoy something unique, with the personal seal that is simultaneously identifiable and surprising. The album is recorded by <strong>Ibon</strong>, mixed with the help of&nbsp;<strong>Lorenzo Matell&aacute;n</strong>&nbsp;and mastered by <strong>Xavier Alarc&oacute;n</strong>.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">The music videos that come with the release, directed by <strong>Antonio Morales</strong>, filmed by <strong>Dani Lis&oacute;n</strong>&nbsp;and edited by <strong>Dani Ar&aacute;nega</strong>,<strong>&nbsp;</strong>are a delicacy. There is a series of music videos (for all the songs on the album and for the grand finale that will come later) filmed in Tangier and inspired by the work of the Malaysian director <strong>Tsai Ming-Liang</strong>. It is a&nbsp;walking meditation&nbsp;in which we can see <strong>Ibon</strong>&nbsp;in different places in Tangier, showing us that silence can say so much, and that, from an expressionistic perspective, less is more.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">This is how <strong>Errazkin </strong>explains &ldquo;Claros Del Bosque&rdquo;, as if it were a personal letter:</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><em>&ldquo;The forest clearing is a center that it is not always possible to enter; from the edge, you can see inside it and the appearance of some animal tracks does not help us take that first step. It is a separate kingdom guarded and inhabited by a spirit. A bird warns and calls to follow his voice. And you obey; then you find nothing; nothing other than an intact space that seems to be open in that single moment and that will never be like this again&rdquo;.</em></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><strong>Mar&iacute;a Zambrano</strong>&nbsp;(excerpt from &ldquo;Claros Del Bosque&rdquo;,1977)</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><em>Two years ago, when I started to think about recording a new album, the idea that motivated me the most was to write a longer piece, a format that would allow me to distribute sounds almost like elements in space; something more like walking through a garden &ndash; or letting your eyes move around a vertical garden &ndash; than listening to a straightforward piece of music from beginning to end.</em></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><em>&nbsp;</em></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><em>I was also interested in writing something that felt like a digression, a bit rambling. I didn&rsquo;t want to write something with a structure that led to a specific place; I wanted to write a simple succession of musical moments, vaguely interconnected and without a greater purpose. I felt pulled by the idea of doing something more extensive, just because, using the length as an essential quality of the piece. Maybe it was inspired by the hypnotic effect that comes with certain experiences &ndash; a <strong>La Monte Young</strong> composition, a <strong>Jacques Rivette</strong>film &ndash; just because they are long. I decided on approximately an hour and, with that, I started working.</em></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><em>&nbsp;</em></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><em>When the project was already pretty far along, I got an idea: why not take some moments from this piece and turn them into songs? That way, the project could have two parts &ndash; one would be an extended, uninterrupted piece, and the other would be a 10-song album.</em></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><em>&nbsp;</em></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><em>The 10-song album is what you have now, and it&rsquo;s called &ldquo;Claros Del Bosque&rdquo;.</em></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><em>&nbsp;</em></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><em>The uninterrupted piece will be released a few months later, and it will be called &ldquo;Nubes Y Claros&rdquo;.</em></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><em>&nbsp;</em></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><strong><em>CLAROS DEL BOSQUE</em></strong></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><em>The title of this 10-song album comes from a book by the same name by <strong>Mar&iacute;a Zambrano</strong>. It&rsquo;s a small book that&rsquo;s somewhere between mystical and philosophical, that I read while I was making the album and that somehow seemed to be related to what I was doing. I recommend anyone who listens to the album to check it out.</em></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><em>The album&rsquo;s instrumentation is simple: guitars, piano, bass, melodica, banjo and some synthesizers. There is no percussion at all, like on &ldquo;Hola&rdquo;&nbsp;(2020), SINGLE&rsquo;s last album (my project with <strong>Teresa Iturrioz</strong>), and there had barely been any on my last solo album, &ldquo;Foto A&eacute;rea&rdquo;. On that last album the sounds were acoustic, but in a lot of cases I sampled what I had played and manipulated it in on the keyboard. On &ldquo;Claros Del Bosque&rdquo;&nbsp;I didn&rsquo;t use this technique, and the recording process was more traditional or &ldquo;natural&rdquo;.</em></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><em>&nbsp;</em></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><em>As they are fragments pulled out of a larger block, the songs don&rsquo;t have a normal verse-chorus-etc structure. The melodies appear and disappear without the whole &ldquo;coming together&rdquo;. For me, this is the most defining element of the album. Music without a definitive meaning, that doesn&rsquo;t lead anywhere, that simply just is there.</em></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><em>There are two exceptions to this: &ldquo;El R&iacute;o&rdquo; and &ldquo;La V&iacute;a L&aacute;ctea&rdquo;, songs that didn&rsquo;t come from that uninterrupted block and that I wrote specifically for the album. They are also the only two songs I recorded with a clapperboard (steady rhythmic accompaniment) and, because of that, are the most pop moments on the album. I like to think the first song would fit in well on a western, and the second is inspired by the starry skies of the Balearic islands.</em></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><em>&nbsp;</em></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><em>The cover art was made, as usual, by <strong>Javier Aramburu</strong>. For &ldquo;Foto A&eacute;rea&rdquo;&nbsp;he put a mountain range in my head, and this time he has turned me into a grove of trees. With the artistry he brings to everything he does.</em></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><em>&nbsp;</em></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><em>I hope you like the album.</em></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><strong>Ibon Errazkin</strong>, September 2024</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">TRACKLIST: 01 Nubes &nbsp;02 Arco &nbsp;03 El R&iacute;o &nbsp;04 Lamento &nbsp;05 D&eacute;tour &nbsp;06 Tel&oacute;n &nbsp;07 La V&iacute;a L&aacute;ctea &nbsp;08 Ecuador &nbsp;09 Olas &nbsp;10 Claros Del Bosque<strong><br /></strong></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><a href=\"https://links.altafonte.com/ibon-errazkin_claros-del-bosque\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\"><img src=\"/uploads//tiny/SMART.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"607\" height=\"282\" /></a></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><iframe title=\"YouTube video player\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/lhmCdserh9I?si=EYGlokWjQoURzicW\" width=\"607\" height=\"375\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\" data-mce-fragment=\"1\"></iframe></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p><iframe title=\"YouTube video player\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/qlczWyfRf98?si=SPVdP7ivT3HI7bYH\" width=\"607\" height=\"375\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\" data-mce-fragment=\"1\"></iframe></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><iframe title=\"YouTube video player\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/AdmIDSuDsZ0?si=9ApmlUVnDAbupLmg\" width=\"607\" height=\"375\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\" data-mce-fragment=\"1\"></iframe></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><iframe title=\"YouTube video player\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/uHSdrEkNWq4?si=hrefgQv1YwoX1poE\" width=\"607\" height=\"375\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\" data-mce-fragment=\"1\"></iframe></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><iframe title=\"YouTube video player\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/dTbDkLI-2uk?si=BEx4GQNu6udJOyOS\" width=\"607\" height=\"375\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\" data-mce-fragment=\"1\"></iframe></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p> PAPA TOPO (Feat. Juliana Gattas) &quot;Me Voy A Desenamorar De Ti&quot; Single Digital https://elefant.com/{*noticia}/1407/PAPA TOPO (Feat. Juliana Gattas) &quot;Me Voy A Desenamorar De Ti&quot; Single Digital <p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">We have a new single for you from &ldquo;Presto y con Toda la Fuerza&rdquo;, the imminent new album from PAPA TOPO. &ldquo;Me Voy A Desenamorar De Ti&rdquo; is a new melancholic and danceable anthem from the group, in collaboration with the great Argentine pop diva, <strong>Juliana Gattas</strong>&nbsp;(singer of MIRANDA!, the most important pop duo in Latin America). These two artists have come together to give us a euphoric song about emotional dependence.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><strong>Adri&agrave;</strong>&nbsp;started to write the song when he was trapped in a toxic relationship that consumed him. Writing it set him free. After finishing the song, he saw that, even though the lyrics were intimate and personal, it was about something universal that so many people could identify with. Finishing the demo coincided with the release of <strong>Juliana Gattas</strong>&rsquo; spectacular and dramatic solo album, and <strong>Adri&agrave;</strong>&nbsp;realized that she was the perfect singer for the song; it was clear that they shared a lyrical and musical sensibility. He reached out to her on Instagram without much hope of hearing back, but she answered him immediately saying that she loved the song, that it had resonated so much with her and that she was 100% for the project.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">The lyrics describe the confusion of someone who feels that, when they give their all, their loved one distances themselves but by doing that it creates longing. The lover is someone narcissistic who needs to be desired: they are indifferent to the unconditional love, give affection when the relationship cools off, keeping control that way. The protagonist tries to fall out of love in order to get their lover&rsquo;s attention, in an emotional tug of war that becomes a vicious cycle. This senseless, paralyzing sense of contradiction seeps through the lyrics but, despite the fatality of the words themselves, the song has a message of hope. At the end, the distance doesn&rsquo;t only work as a catalyst of desire, but also ends up freeing the protagonist from the yoke of dependence and makes it possible for them to escape from the situation.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Musically, the song is an emotional roller coaster of extreme musical contrasts. It has a timeless, lyrical melody accompanied by a spectacular orchestration with colorful touches that remind us of a more pop <strong>Astor Piazzolla</strong>&nbsp;(maybe that&rsquo;s why <strong>Juliana</strong>&nbsp;fits in so well on this song), that turns quickly into an intense dance hit, dark and melodic, somewhere between the most playful europop and CAMELA, between SAINT ETIENNE and&nbsp;<strong>Sonia Y Selena</strong>, that wraps up in an apotheotic climax. The trademark chorus is a classic &ldquo;papatopian&rdquo; chorus: a melody that quickly inserts itself in your mind and plays over and over again, like that vicious cycle the song describes.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><strong>Juliana Gattas&nbsp;</strong>has been the frontwoman of MIRANDA! for more than twenty years and in 2023 started her solo career with the release of the single \"Maquillada en la Cama\", produced by <strong>Alex Anwandter</strong>, where she explores a more performative style, showing her artistic versatility and vocal depth. This single, \"Maquillada en la Cama\", was the title track for her debut album in March 2024. She is currently on tour promoting her first album, and her first lead acting role in the movie \"Los domingos mueren m&aacute;s personas\" by the Argentine director, actor and screenwriter, <strong>Iair Said</strong>. The movie was a hit at both Cannes and the San Sebastian Film Festival.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In December this year you will be able to see <strong>Juliana Gattas&nbsp;</strong>and<strong>&nbsp;</strong>PAPA TOPO together, playing this superhit live in Argentina. And last but not least, for the finishing touch, the single&rsquo;s fantastic cover art is a design by <strong>Adri&agrave; </strong>himself.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><a href=\"https://links.altafonte.com/papa-topo_me-voy-a-desenamorar-de-ti\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\"><img src=\"/uploads//tiny/SMART.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"607\" height=\"282\" /></a></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><iframe title=\"YouTube video player\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/gJzwzbkA7So?si=gtI7hOzI9G7_aL57\" width=\"607\" height=\"375\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\"></iframe></p> PAPA TOPO are travelling to Buenos Aires again to celebrate the release of ‘Me Voy a ... https://elefant.com/{*noticia}/1408/PAPA TOPO are travelling to Buenos Aires again to celebrate the release of ‘Me Voy a Desenamorar de Ti’ <p>PAPA TOPO are travelling to Buenos Aires again to celebrate the release of &lsquo;Me Voy a Desenamorar de Ti&rsquo;, their brand new single, a duet with the great Argentine song diva <strong>Juliana Gattas</strong>, on 15 December at Camping. To celebrate, they have put together a concert in which they will review their greatest hits and present songs from their imminent second album &lsquo;Presto y con Toda la Fuerza&rsquo; and, above all, to sing their new hit with <strong>Juliana</strong> at the top of their lungs.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Juliana</strong> and <strong>Adri&agrave;</strong> met on instagram when <strong>Juliana</strong> posted a story listening to PAPA TOPO\'s first album and told <strong>Adri&agrave;</strong> that she was on a plane listening to it on a loop. <strong>Adri&agrave;</strong> was thrilled to discover that the singer of MIRANDA! (the most important pop duo in Latin America) connected with his music, and so, when years later he had the ideal song, he proposed to <strong>Juliana</strong> that they collaborate together. She didn\'t hesitate for a second and gave her heart and soul to the song, spending hours in the studio, recording a video clip, which will be released soon, and now, getting on stage to sing it live for the first time.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>The bedroompop singer J&Uacute;PITER EN CASA will join this time as the female voice of PAPA TOPO replacing <strong>J&uacute;lia Fandos</strong>. <strong>Adri&agrave;</strong> and <strong>Jupi</strong> met in 2018 when PAPA TOPO travelled to Argentina for the first time. Like <strong>Adri&agrave;</strong>, <strong>Jupi</strong> started making music at the age of 16, self-producing in her bedroom and demonstrating a great pop sensibility that transcends the precariousness of the media. According to <strong>Jupi</strong> herself, it was decisive for her project to meet <strong>Adri&agrave;</strong> after a PAPA TOPO concert, as <strong>Adri&agrave;</strong>, seeing himself identified with her, encouraged her to publish her songs on networks. Over the years she has published small pop hits such as the viral &lsquo;wenosaire&rsquo; or the vindicative &lsquo;Mam&aacute; Soy Gay&rsquo;, earning her a place in the Argentine underground. When organising this concert, PAPA TOPO were clear that <strong>Jupi</strong> had to participate in a very active way and she was enthusiastic.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>In addition to <strong>Jupi</strong>, <strong>Ceretti</strong> and <strong>Matt Montero</strong>, two pop singers who are part of the Buenos Aires artistic collective &lsquo;La Banda del V.I.P.&rsquo;, will be on stage. Both artists have great similarities with the pop universe of PAPA TOPO and make a very funny and timeless music. From the other side of the pond, <strong>Adri&agrave;</strong> has been following them for years through networks and is dying to collaborate with them for the first time. To round off the list of guests, <strong>Mar&iacute;a Riot</strong>, a well-known Argentinean cultural agitator, pornographic actress, activist, musician and PAPA TOPO fan since time immemorial, will also be on stage. PAPA TOPO met <strong>Mar&iacute;a</strong> at a Pride celebration in Barcelona, they hit it off and have collaborated on several occasions, so her presence at the party was also a must.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>It will be a very special night, full of collaborations, friendship, lots of love and above all, live music by PAPA TOPO. You can\'t miss it!</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Sunday 15 December</p><p>Camping</p><p>At 21:00 hours</p><p>Tickets on sale at campingcamping.org</p><p><a href=\"https://campingtickets.boleteria.online/musica/papa-topo\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Entradas: </a><a contenteditable=\"false\" href=\"https://campingtickets.boleteria.online/musica/papa-topo\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">https://campingtickets.boleteria.online/musica/papa-topo</a></p><p>&nbsp;</p> IBON ERRAZKIN &quot;El Río/Olas&quot; Single Digital https://elefant.com/{*noticia}/1405/IBON ERRAZKIN &quot;El Río/Olas&quot; Single Digital <p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">There are artists who focus their career on satisfying the musical whims of the general public. Names that fill news headlines, festival headlines, and radio playlists. There are other artists who are included in the fine print, but who approach their musical creation as a journey, an investigation, a lifelong quest, an experience. These artists understand music as an art and transmit it as such. They have the ability to change the path of pop history, to write great hits that will only be recognized in time, to step outside of the bounds of stereotypes that try to turn today&rsquo;s audio-art into big entertainment.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><strong>Ibon Errazkin</strong>&nbsp;is the largest print of these fine print names. Because of AVENTURAS DE KIRLIAN, LE MANS, SINGLE, his solo albums, and his many collaborations, or producing <strong>Carlos Berlanga&nbsp;</strong>(&ldquo;Impermeable&rdquo;),<strong>&nbsp;Ana D</strong>&nbsp;(&ldquo;Sat&eacute;lite 99&rdquo;) and NOSOTR&Auml;SH (&ldquo;Popemas&rdquo;). Above all else because of the way he makes art to the beat of the music, the way he puts together every release. From the cover art by <strong>Javier Aramburu</strong>&nbsp;(we are so lucky to keep getting more of them to enjoy!), to the music videos.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">That&rsquo;s why we are celebrating the arrival of a new album with this new advance single. &ldquo;La V&iacute;a L&aacute;ctea&rdquo; confirms all that has been said. The music video that goes with this release, directed by <strong>Antonio Morales</strong>, filmed by <strong>Dani Lis&oacute;n</strong>&nbsp;and edited by <strong>Dani Ar&aacute;nega&nbsp;</strong>is a delicacy. The second of a series of music videos filmed in Tangier and inspired by the work of the Malaysian director <strong>Tsai Ming-liang</strong>. It&rsquo;s a &ldquo;walking meditation&rdquo; in which we can see <strong>Ibon</strong>&nbsp;in various places in Tangier, showing us that silences can say so much, and that from an expressive point of view, less is more.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><a href=\"https://links.altafonte.com/ibon-errazkin_el-rio-olas\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\"><img src=\"/uploads//tiny/SMART.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"607\" height=\"282\" /></a></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><iframe title=\"YouTube video player\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/AdmIDSuDsZ0?si=9ApmlUVnDAbupLmg\" width=\"607\" height=\"375\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\"></iframe></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p> IBON ERRAZKIN &quot;La Vía Láctea&quot; Single Digital https://elefant.com/{*noticia}/1404/IBON ERRAZKIN &quot;La Vía Láctea&quot; Single Digital <p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">There are artists who focus their career on satisfying the musical whims of the general public. Names that fill news headlines, festival headlines, and radio playlists. There are other artists who are included in the fine print, but who approach their musical creation as a journey, an investigation, a lifelong quest, an experience. These artists understand music as an art and transmit it as such. They have the ability to change the path of pop history, to write great hits that will only be recognized in time, to step outside of the bounds of stereotypes that try to turn today&rsquo;s audio-art into big entertainment.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><strong>Ibon Errazkin</strong>&nbsp;is the largest print of these fine print names. Because of AVENTURAS DE KIRLIAN, LE MANS, SINGLE, his solo albums, and his many collaborations, or producing <strong>Carlos Berlanga&nbsp;</strong>(&ldquo;Impermeable&rdquo;),<strong>&nbsp;Ana D</strong>&nbsp;(&ldquo;Sat&eacute;lite 99&rdquo;) and NOSOTR&Auml;SH (&ldquo;Popemas&rdquo;). Above all else because of the way he makes art to the beat of the music, the way he puts together every release. From the cover art by <strong>Javier Aramburu</strong>&nbsp;(we are so lucky to keep getting more of them to enjoy!), to the music videos.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">That&rsquo;s why we are celebrating the arrival of a new album with this new advance single. &ldquo;La V&iacute;a L&aacute;ctea&rdquo; confirms all that has been said. The music video that goes with this release, directed by <strong>Antonio Morales</strong>, filmed by <strong>Dani Lis&oacute;n</strong>&nbsp;and edited by <strong>Dani Ar&aacute;nega&nbsp;</strong>is a delicacy. The second of a series of music videos filmed in Tangier and inspired by the work of the Malaysian director <strong>Tsai Ming-liang</strong>. It&rsquo;s a &ldquo;walking meditation&rdquo; in which we can see <strong>Ibon</strong>&nbsp;in various places in Tangier, showing us that silences can say so much, and that from an expressive point of view, less is more.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><strong>TRACKLIST: 01</strong> La V&iacute;a L&aacute;ctea</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><a href=\"https://links.altafonte.com/ibon-errazkin_la-via-lactea\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\"><img src=\"/uploads//tiny/SMART.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"607\" height=\"282\" /></a></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><iframe title=\"YouTube video player\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/qlczWyfRf98?si=SPVdP7ivT3HI7bYH\" width=\"607\" height=\"375\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\"></iframe></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p> ALPACA SPORTS &quot;Autograph&quot; Digital Single https://elefant.com/{*noticia}/1402/ALPACA SPORTS &quot;Autograph&quot; Digital Single <p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">The single for &ldquo;Autograph&rdquo; was planned to be released just a few days before the new ALPACA SPORTS album, &ldquo;Another Day&rdquo;. The song is a tribute to the moments when <strong>Andreas</strong>&nbsp;was waiting with his mom for the team members of &Ouml;rgryte Idrottss&auml;llskap, at Gamla Ullevi, at the end of their games in the 90s. It is especially dedicated to three of the team&rsquo;s members:&nbsp;<strong>S&ouml;ren B&ouml;rjesson</strong>, <strong>Agne Simonsson</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>Marcus Allb&auml;ck</strong>. Those idols of his youth, who <strong>Andreas</strong>&nbsp;wanted to be like when he played in the schoolyard and who made him dream, like we all have, of something greater, full of love and loyalty.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">However, this past September 26,&nbsp;<strong>S&ouml;ren B&ouml;rjesson</strong>&nbsp;died at the age of 68. The group decided they should push up the single&rsquo;s release in his honor. It&rsquo;s an exciting song, with those echoes of bossa nova and intriciate harmonies that <strong>Ian Catt</strong>&nbsp;arranged for <strong>Andreas</strong>, <strong>Amanda</strong>, <strong>Lisle</strong>&nbsp;and<strong>&nbsp;Cristina Quesada</strong>.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Just a few months before his death, <strong>S&ouml;ren B&ouml;rjesson</strong>&nbsp;heard the song and said that he wanted to be in the music video. So, <strong>Andreas</strong>&nbsp;got to spend a few hours with his idol, playing, dribbling, talking about his team, &Ouml;IS, and about life. About his family, and how proud he was to be able to be in the line up that celebrated the team&rsquo;s anniversary, and how happy he was to be able to share the field with so many of his idols. About the finals in 1985 when he was team captain and they won the championship for &Ouml;rgryte, and about <strong>Agne Simonsson</strong>.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Now it seems like something incredible that they were able to spend that time together, record that material on the beach at the end of August, and see <strong>S&ouml;ren</strong>&nbsp;happy, doing his famous footwork. It&rsquo;s so exciting when we see the football player holding up his signed trading card while the song sings &ldquo;I wanted to be you&rdquo;.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><strong>Andreas</strong>&nbsp;had the chance to go to the memorial that was held at Gamla Ullevi on September 28 as part of the &Ouml;IS &ndash; Varberg match, and he had the honor of being able to play the song and the music video before the game started as well as during the half-time. It was a special version of the music video filmed by <strong>Jonas B&ouml;rjesson</strong>&nbsp;and made especially for the tribute.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Now, we are bringing you the music video as it was originally planned, along with this digital single which also includes a previously unreleased song, &ldquo;Better Things To Do&rdquo;. A duet between <strong>Andreas</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>Amanda</strong>, the song perfectly complements the subtlety, sweetness and aura of magic that surrounds this whole release. The beautiful illustration on the single&rsquo;s cover shows <strong>Andreas</strong> as a kid wearing &Ouml;IS clothes and is made by the talented <strong>Ray Kimura</strong>.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><a href=\"https://links.altafonte.com/alpaca-sports_autograph\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\"><img src=\"/uploads//tiny/SMART.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"607\" height=\"282\" /></a></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><iframe title=\"YouTube video player\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/sIhs542Y1-Y?si=yZonQQ-of3HHS8mF\" width=\"607\" height=\"375\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\"></iframe></p> FITNESS FOREVER &quot;Amore e Salute&quot; LP https://elefant.com/{*noticia}/1385/FITNESS FOREVER &quot;Amore e Salute&quot; LP <p><em>Chansonnier</em>. That man that is equal parts age and class, full of wit, charm, irony and insight, who possesses a voice that is an exercise in persuasion in and of itself. The most recent album from FITNESS FOREVER focuses on this figure that has almost completely disappeared from the musical universe, and belongs to decades past. &ldquo;Amore E Salute&rdquo;, far from being an exercise in nostalgia, musically recreates the atmospheres that surrounded these characters and remembers the stories of some of them, many of whom we have met on the various advance singles. There is no way to talk about this album other than to go through the songs that play with funk and disco music from infinite perspectives, taking it around the world and filling it with the group&rsquo;s trademark exuberant arrangements.<br /><br />It all starts in Rome, in 2005. This is where our journey begins. A fascinating and experienced TV presenter takes a walk down the Villa Borghese. He is known for his ability to make connections between different disciplines, sensuality and religion, psychology and magic, unknown philosophy books and the news and bring them all together in a single coherent discourse. He is not alone &shy;&ndash; a young woman accompanies him; she seems to be hypnotized by his distracted way of walking, by the nervous gesticulations of his hands, which agitate the air with concepts and thoughts to make them tangible, a living material before their eyes.<br /><br />In the next scene, they are sitting together romantically on a bench, facing a small pond with elegant swans, and kiss passionately as if it were a seal of their cosmic love that transcends logic, time and space. In this sensual and secret Rome, a city open to all ideas and possibilities, we find &ldquo;La Porta Del Cuore\", the first of these stories on the album, and the gateway we will go through every time we want to take this journey with FITNESS FOREVER.<br /><br />&ldquo;A Vele Spiegate&rdquo;, the first advance single, includes the incredible collaboration of CALCUTTA, the most important voice of the latest generation of Italian singer-songwriters who is able to evoke the greatest, lends his unique sensibility to this song, which is a true sonic journey.<strong> </strong>It&rsquo;s an exercise in colorful jazz-funk that makes us think of composers like <strong>Alberto Radius&nbsp;</strong>or the arrangements of <strong>Arthur Verocai</strong>. The song makes us feel like we are on a boat, sailing from Naples to Sorrento and then from there to some specific, safe destination. It&rsquo;s a metaphor for life when you are in the middle of everything, when none of the questions have clear answers. In this final chorus, you can hear the magical voice of <strong>Alan Sorrenti</strong>, an authentic legend of psychedelic, funk and Italo disco music, bringing the generational and emotional short circuit of Italian music full circle.<br /><br />&ldquo;Ischia&rdquo; was another advance single, with a powerful collaboration from <strong>Peppino Di Capri</strong>, one of the greats of Italian music, and who was a close, personal friend of <strong>Fred Bongusto</strong>, who the song is dedicated to. <strong>Fred</strong> lived in Ischia for many years and he left his mark on the island even after his death. This magic circle makes &ldquo;Ischia&rdquo; one of the most special songs ever written by <strong>Valderrama</strong>.<br /><br />On &ldquo;Payaso&rdquo;, it is not the <em>chansonnier</em> whose story we hear but the counterparty, the woman, his prey, his muse, in this case embodied by the Neopolitan <strong>Chicca </strong>(<strong>Francesca Diletta Iavarone</strong>). Even the most experienced <em>chansonnier</em> sometimes finds himself up against a woman who can stand up to his charm. This is a maxi-funk piece that pays tribute to <strong>Augusto Martelli</strong>, also a tremendous <em>chansonnier</em>, as well as the author of some of the most amazing television commercials from the eighties (remember &ldquo;Grand Prix&rdquo;, &ldquo;Ok The Price Is Right&rdquo; or &ldquo;Casa Vianello&rdquo;). Those chords, those choruses, you can&rsquo;t resist the urge to dance.<br /><br />&ldquo;Malinconico&rdquo; gets its name from the small <em>trattoria</em> in the Vomero neighborhood of Naples which was the group&rsquo;s headquarters during their recording sessions. Malinconico is also the name of the character from the famous book series by the Neapolitan author <strong>Diego De Silva</strong>, and it&rsquo;s inspired by the dreamy jazz-funk masterpiece, \"Pacific\" (1983), by the Japanese musicians <strong>Haruomi Hosono</strong>,<strong> Shigeru Suzuki</strong> and <strong>Tatsuro Yamashita</strong>. It is an exquisite instrumental song that transmits an incredible feeling of peace and connection with the sea, weaving a complex harmony over the course of its evocative development.<br /><br />&ldquo;L&rsquo;Amour&rdquo; was the third and final advance single, and song that reflects a night when <strong>Valderrama</strong> himself, in the middle of the Montmartre neighborhood, at the mercy of events beyond his control, turned into a monumental <em>chansonnier</em>. The song overflows with sonic luxury, and with a splash of irony and wit. &ldquo;Sprint!&rdquo; was born the same night as &ldquo;Payaso&rdquo;, in a prolific, dreamlike journey that is reflected in the vocals that serve as an interlude to a fantastic dialogue between friends, partners, and instrumentations. Exquisite.<br /><br />To wrap things up, we have &ldquo;Goodbye&rdquo;. After CALCUTTA, <strong>Alan Sorrenti </strong>and <strong>Peppino Di Capri</strong>, the Italian group searched for months for one final voice to include in the lineup of \"Amore e Salute\", to bring the story to a coherent ending.<br /><br /><strong>Luciano Angeleri</strong>, a world-renowned painter who also tried his luck in music (with exciting results) especially in the late seventies, felt like the ideal choice. He is a true <em>chansonnier</em>, a beautiful man, full of charm, who has lived his whole life in symbiosis with his art, and after so many years without making music, agreed to go back into the recording studio now, at 83. \"Goodbye\" is a closing act, a farewell: the call of freedom is too strong, and the <em>chansonnier </em>doesn\'t want to stick around. \"I&rsquo;m coming down to your level\", he says, and then finds himself alone in the street, his freedom his only company, which cost him so much but which, along with the music, he knows is the only company that will never turn on him. Delicious, creamy, a jovial, exciting treat.<br /><br />&ldquo;Amore E Salute&rdquo; is a travelog of sounds, styles, arrangements and, above all, stories. FITNESS FOREVER always convinces us to go with them on every journey; we would do it a thousand times. All you have to do is press play.<br /><br />TRACKLIST: 01 La Porta Del Cuore &nbsp;02 A Vele Spiegate (Feat. Calcutta) &nbsp;03 Ischia (Feat. Peppino Di Capri) &nbsp;04 Payaso 05 Malinconico &nbsp;06 L\'Amour &nbsp;07 Sprint! &nbsp;08 Goodbye (Feat. Angeleri)</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>FORMAT: LP [White Colour Vinyl - Limited Edition]<br /><br /><img src=\"/images/foto/img1657.JPG\" alt=\"\" width=\"607\" height=\"607\" /></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><a href=\"https://links.altafonte.com/nqya2rr\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\"><img style=\"float: left;\" src=\"/uploads//tiny/SMART.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"607\" height=\"282\" /></a></p> IBON ERRAZKIN &quot;Nubes/Lamento&quot; Single Digital https://elefant.com/{*noticia}/1401/IBON ERRAZKIN &quot;Nubes/Lamento&quot; Single Digital <p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">There are artists who focus their career on satisfying the musical whims of the general public. Names that fill news headlines, festival headlines, and radio playlists. There are other artists who are included in the fine print, but who approach their musical creation as a journey, an investigation, a lifelong quest, an experience. These artists understand music as an art and transmit it as such. They have the ability to change the path of pop history, to write great hits that will only be recognized in time, to step outside of the bounds of stereotypes that try to turn today&rsquo;s audio-art into big entertainment.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><strong>Ibon Errazkin</strong>&nbsp;is the largest print of these fine print names. Because of AVENTURAS DE KIRLIAN, LE MANS, SINGLE, his solo albums, and his many collaborations, or producing <strong>Carlos Berlanga&nbsp;</strong>(&ldquo;Impermeable&rdquo;),<strong>&nbsp;Ana D</strong>&nbsp;(&ldquo;Sat&eacute;lite 99&rdquo;) and NOSOTR&Auml;SH (&ldquo;Popemas&rdquo;). Above all else because of the way he makes art to the beat of the music, the way he puts together every release. From the cover art by <strong>Javier Aramburu</strong>&nbsp;(we are so lucky to keep getting more of them to enjoy!), to the music videos.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">That&rsquo;s why we are celebrating the arrival of a new album with this advance single that includes two songs from the upcoming new release. &ldquo;Nubes&rdquo; and &ldquo;Lamento&rdquo; confirm everything we have just said: songs that meander between costumbrism and inspiration, minimalism and classicism, Mediterranean and lyric, between <strong>Nino Rota</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>Erik Satie</strong>. These songs caress and excite us using the purest songwriting design: textures, melodies, harmonies, mixed and managed with the magic of a genius who doesn&rsquo;t need to lean on any crutches.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">That said, the music video that goes with this release, directed by <strong>Antonio Morales</strong>, filmed by <strong>Dani Lis&oacute;n</strong>&nbsp;and edited by <strong>Dani Ar&aacute;nega&nbsp;</strong>is a delicacy, and the first of a series of music videos filmed in Tangier and inspired by the work of the Malaysian director <strong>Tsai Ming-liang</strong>. It&rsquo;s a &ldquo;walking meditation&rdquo; in which we can see <strong>Ibon</strong>&nbsp;in various places in Tangier, showing us that silences can say so much, and that from an expressive point of view, less is more.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Soon we will have a new full-length from one of those unique and inimitable names in the history of Spanish pop music. The album was recorded by <strong>Ibon</strong>, mixed with the help of <strong>Lorenzo Matell&aacute;n</strong>&nbsp;and mastered by <strong>Xavier Alarc&oacute;n</strong>.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">TRACKLIST: 01 Nubes &nbsp;02 Lamento</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><a href=\"https://links.altafonte.com/ibon-errazkin_nubes-lamento\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\"><img src=\"/uploads//tiny/SMART.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"607\" height=\"282\" /></a></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><iframe title=\"YouTube video player\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/lhmCdserh9I?si=93p9oGnivCVbOH3i\" width=\"607\" height=\"375\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\" data-mce-fragment=\"1\"></iframe></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p> LISASINSON &quot;Quiero Que Perdamos La Cabeza (Otra Vez)&quot; Single https://elefant.com/{*noticia}/1399/LISASINSON &quot;Quiero Que Perdamos La Cabeza (Otra Vez)&quot; Single <p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">We&rsquo;re getting closer and closer to the arrival of the new LISASINSON album. After the powerful advance singles, &ldquo;Salgo A La Calle&rdquo; and &ldquo;Decid&iacute; Desaparecer&rdquo;, we are now bringing you &ldquo;Quiero Que Perdamos La Cabeza (Otra Vez)&rdquo;, the first song from the Valencian band that uses an acoustic guitar. But don&rsquo;t believe for a second that means the song&rsquo;s tension is lower because there is electricity, urgency, excitement and tension. The song is full of freshness, with an explosive ending that talks about wanting to spend time with someone even though you know that it&rsquo;s going to make you feel bad, about the constant contradiction between regret and desire that happens again and again; it reminds us of &ldquo;Volverte A Enamorar&rdquo; in that way.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Once again, <strong>Paula</strong> and <strong>M&iacute;riam</strong> have some help from <strong>Marc Fern&aacute;ndez</strong> and <strong>Marc Roca</strong>, the latest and very important pieces to join the group. <strong>Antoni Laguna</strong> took care of the mixing; <strong>Juanjo Mu&ntilde;oz</strong> mastered it in Catmastering and <strong>Daniel Mart&iacute;nez</strong> was in charge of the production. The amazing cover art that goes with the single is an exquisite collage by <strong>Néstor Sevillano</strong>.</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">We love it when LISASINSON make us lose our heads, again and again!</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><a href=\"https://youtu.be/ztIIx6DzFwY\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\"><img src=\"/uploads//tiny/SMART.jpg\" alt=\"\" width=\"607\" height=\"282\" /></a></p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</p><p style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><iframe title=\"YouTube video player\" src=\"https://www.youtube.com/embed/ztIIx6DzFwY?si=dWgZTEfx2XBlPnsp\" width=\"607\" height=\"375\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen=\"allowfullscreen\"></iframe></p>